Chapter 3

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I finally finished unpacking and I flopped on to the couch. I decided that for the rest of the night I could have a nerdy movie night. I brought out DVDs like The Avengers, The Matrix Trilogy and the Horrendous Daredevil. I kinda wished I had a friend to watch them with. I texted my friend Sasha but she was busy at work. I ordered a huge pepperoni pizza from Pizza hut with the stuffed crust. Don't judge me.. I'm hungry. After about 30 mins of setting up the DVD/Bluray player and deciding what movie I would watch first (I decided to watch the matrix) When a knock at the door came. I got my money for the pizza and opened the door to find.... Lucas. At my door. In tears. "Whats wrong?" Was the first thing that popped into my head. "Can I come in first?" He sounded all snotty and it was kinda cute. "Umm sure". He walked through and I realized that my living room looked like The Nerdcave. He walked in and I just did the biggest facepalm that I would do in my life. His first reaction was. " I see you like Star trek". He said this while pointing at my yoda plush. I corrected him by saying "it's star wars... anyway. What br " another knock came from the door and I went to answer it. It was the pizzaman.. with i a pizza about the size of a tv. I went through to the living room and put it on the ground. I felt so fat but I was starving.. I looked at Lucas and he was crying. " Look Lucas. What's wrong?" He answered and said he and Jenna were having a fight. I sighed and offered him pizza. He said yes and digged in. I put on matrix and we didn't talk until the last movie finished. I looked round and saw him asleep with my yoda plush. I decided to go to bed. I put the rubbish away and was just about when Lucas woke up from his 7 hour nap. "I'm sorry I was just about to go to bed." He looked at me and said " can I stay a night?" I nodded and I got him a star wars blanket and two pillows. We both said our goodnight and I went off to bed.... I never saw him again.

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