Equation ground numbers incorrect quotes because those numbers are just awesome

121 6 0

Seven, sniffling: I'm not sick, it's probably just allergies

Five: ok, tell me: are you, like, really tired?

Seven: I have depression, what do you think?


Nine: are you sure Six's even gay? They barely even looked at me


Four: new challenge! Don't say anything stupid for 24 hours!



Ten: I like your top, Six

Nine: I have a name, you know? 

Six: *sighs* first of all, I'm the top, second of all, why are you like this? 


Five: nice rock

Two: thanks, Four gave it to me

Four: I threw it at you!

Two: aren't they the sweetest?


Eight: is something burning?

Ten, leaning seductively on the counter: just my desire for you~

Eight: Ten, the toaster is literally on fire


Nine: I sleep with a gun under my pillow

Seven: I sleep with a knife

Four: both of you are pathetic

Nine: oh yeah? Then what do you sleep with?

Four: X


Five: stop setting things on fire because you're curious on what'll happen. What will happen is fire

Nine: but what if something else happens this one time?


Two: there's something I need to ask about you-know-who

Five: Voldemort?

Two: no

Five: is it Voldemort? 

Two: no, it's not Voldemort

Five: you've never mentioned wizards once this conversation, so I'm gonna assume it's Voldemort


Seven: like they say: "If you can't beat them, curl up into a ball and protect your organs"



X: Four kissed me!

Seven: oh my god oh my god oh my god!

X: it was unbelievable!

Seven: oh my god oh my god oh my god!

Ten: ok, we need to hear everything. Seven, get the wine and unplug the phone. X, does this end well or do we need tissues?

X: oh, it ended very well

Seven: don't start without me! Don't start without meehhhhh!

Ten: ok, let's hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or, you know, an "I gotta have you now" thing?

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