Agent Down Chapter 5

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when Rory woke she could hear alarms blaring around her and her comms in her ear crackled to life

Rory looked around she saw her sister trapped under fallen pipes and rubble

she then spotted then saw Bruce leaning on his knees breathing heavy his hands gripping to the floor hard trying to stay in control and not turn into his Green Ulti ego

Rory goes to her sister and tries to prey the Pipes and rubble off of her sister

I'm okay. we're okay... Right -Natasha

for now -Rory offers

Doctor... Bruce you gotta fight it. this is just what Loki wants. we're gonna be okay listen to me -Natasha tries

Rory was cursing under her breath in Russian as the pipes and such weren't moving

Natasha spots two S.H.I.E.L.D Agents coming up to them but Natasha waves them away Furiously and they quickly bolt from the Area

Rory sorry to rush you but can you hurry up -Natasha

Rory looks around then she spots her Sword and holds out her hand to her sword

Rory's Sword then flies across the room and lands in her hand

Rory then begins using her sword to move the pipes off of her sisters ankle/Leg

Natasha then turns to Bruce realizing that Rory has this and puts her all into Bruce

we're gonna be okay. Right. I swear on my life I will get you out of this. you will walk away and never... -Natasha

your life -Bruce says Darkly

Rory quickens up what she's doing Natasha close to being Free

Bruce -Natasha tries in a pleading tone

Rory lets out a sigh of relief when Natasha is finally able to jerk free and she scrabbles to her feet however Bruce is no more he is now The Hulk

the pair then begin to run as the Hulk is now with them

Rory took notice of her sister's limping form and wraps an arm around Natasha helping her however realizes that Natasha is slowing her down and she then paused in running light up her sword

Rory -Natasha hisses

run. I'll slow him down I'll catch up -Rory

But -Natasha

no Nat. your hurt go I'll be fine -Rory

Natasha sighs and grumbles but does as she says though she doesn't like it and she Runs

The Hulk then appears and Roars at Rory then he tackles her and slams them both through a number of walls

Rory drops her sword and curses

Rory distracting The Hulk down to her sister's injury

Hulk then Grabs Rory by the Throat and throws her into a room that had a lot of Machine's

an Idea hits Rory who holds her hand out in the Direction she lost her Sword and prays it comes

a whooshing sound is Heard and Rory realizes it's her sword she waits for a few moments before she dives out the way of the Punch Hulk threw at her and as she rolls to her knees she spots her sword coming in so she jumps at a wall kicking off of it and into the air

her sword then lands in her hand when she's in the air and in time for Hulk to turn around

Rory lights up her sword and she hits Hulk in the face sending him flying into the Machines

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