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Chaeyoung's eyes widened as he let go of my arms.

What’s Taehyung doing here?.
This cannot happen.

"Long time no see Chaeyoung or do you prefer Lucifer?", Taehyung asked with a smile as Chaeyoung stared at him.

"Kim Taehyung", He called almost inaudibly.

"Since I heard you were on earth, I was beginning to wonder if some rats had eaten you up", He said and Taehyung laughed.

"You thought wrongly, Lucifer. I can never be dead as long as you’re still alive", Tears were beginning to build up in my eyes as fear ate me up.

Who’s Taehyung to Chaeyoung?.

What does he want with him?. I felt something terrible was about to happen. I looked at Chaeyoung and noticed someone behind him.

A lady, but I couldn’t see her face properly. It was just too dark and she was standing a little distance away.

What’s she doing?.

Surprisingly I saw her with a dagger and she pointed it at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung couldn’t notice any of these because she was standing behind him. What’s going on?.

Suddenly she threw the knife at him.

"Chaeyoung!", I scream in fear and pulled him away. I didn’t even realize by so doing, I had gotten in front of him.

The dagger flew in the air towards our direction and immediately, I felt a sharp pain by the side my tummy. I gasped and held it and my hand landed on something a dagger.

It was stuck to my tummy. I left my mouth open in shock as I realized I had been stabbed with the dagger. My eyes widened in fear.

"Chaeyoung", I called weakly. I tried reaching for the floor but felt something stop me and realized Chaeyoung was the one holding me.

I fell into his arms. I released a light gasp as my whole body began to unsteady. Blood was flow out slowly.

The dagger landed on me for the first time ever, I looked at Chaeyoung in the eyes as he stared directly into mine, still holding me.

The expression on his face, it was something I’ve never seen. And suddenly, his eyes turned pure red.


Chaeyoung's eyes turned pure red as he held Mina in his hand, watching her bleed.

He could feel the anger building up in him, like one he’s never felt in a long time.

Mina kept staring into his eyes until her lids became too heavy for her to open and they finally shut down.

Like a flash, he pulled out the dagger from her tummy and turned swiftly, throwing it in the direction of the strange lady.

It happened too fast, the lady didn’t expect it and it and it pierced directly into her tummy making her groan and fall on the floor.

It was Jennie.

He didn’t realize when he let Mina fall from his hands.

"Lucifer!", Taehyung called from behind.

"Don’t call my name", Chaeyoung said in between his teeth and fisted his hand and that alone was able to affect Taehyung.

"Argh!", Taehyung screamed and fell on his knees, holding his head.

"Lucifer", Jennie tried to call. No matter how powerful she was, she knew she couldn’t face him at that moment.

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