part 2

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I've already given my second button to somebody else,''


''I'm sorry Tooru,''

''Oikawa, nice serve!''

''I'm sorry Tooru,''



His eyelids were too heavy to move, but he could hear some beeping noises and voices murmuring. He tried to focus, tried to understand what was happening. Why couldn't he feel anything?

''... but with the stress his knees have been under it's a miracle it hasn't happened before, and the fact that it's not severe enough to require surgery is fantastic. He's lucky.'' Who is that?

''Will he be able to continue playing volleyball? He loves that sport more than anything. I'd hate to see him lose it!'' Mom.

''It's hard to say. Either he continues, and his knee heals, or it doesn't. As I said before, he's lucky. Let's just hope his luck continues.''

Slowly, his ears started to tune out all the noise and his mind went black again.


Oikawa tried to remain positive. He could still play! He could still train.

Just not as much as before.

He had to wear a more supporting knee brace under his knee pad, and it severely messed up his jumps. He couldn't gather the same momentum as before, and it showed in his plays.

But it's fine. It's cool. He just had to get used to it, and then he'd be back on the court again; improving and playing with his team.

It's fine.

So what if he'd been demoted to reserve setter not even a month into his career as starting setter of Kitagawa Daiichi. It's only until his knee healed enough for him to play again.

It's fine.

It's fine.

It's fine. Until it's not.

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