part 3

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Another year, another try.


He would go to nationals this year.


His team would finally beat that bastard Ushiwaka.


Kageyama shuddered at the thought of his bastard name. Bastard. Bastard.


‘’Oy, what’s got your panties in a twist? Get that ugly face out of here before the first years arrive,’’ Iwaizumi huffed and slapped his back. Ow!


‘’You better stop hitting me,’’ Kageyama whined and tried to cool down his features. He tried to reach the spot where Iwaizumi’s hand had hit him to rub at the sting, but he couldn’t reach it. ‘’Or else the first years won’t respect me as their captain.’’


‘’One week with your ass and they’ll lose all the respect they have, don’t worry; me reigning in your shitty personality will have nothing to do with it,’’ Iwaizumi huffed and rolled his eyes. Behind him, Hanamaki and Matsukawa snickered into their hands.


‘’Mean Hajime!’’ Kageyama whined before stomping away. 




‘’You know,’’ Iwaizumi began as they were eating their lunch at the rood of the gym. They had found the spot in first year and cherished it because it gave them the opportunity to act more intimate with each other without the rest of the student body looking at them. Sure, being in a gay relationship wasn’t frowned upon by the younger generation but the teachers, parents and even strangers would not be as accepting. 


‘’Hmm?’’ Kageyama tried to speak with his mouth stuffed with rice. Iwaizumi just laughed and wiped a stray grain from his cheek.


‘’Swallow before you speak,’’ he admonished before picking up his drink. 


‘’Well, Hajime,’’ Kageyama smiled after he successfully chewed his food. ‘’You know I always swal-’’


‘’Don’t be crass!’’ Iwaizumi had the cutest blush colouring his face, and his eyes had trouble focusing on Kageyama, who only snorted in response.


‘’Yeah but seriously, what were you going to say?’’


‘’What? Oh yeah,’’ Iwaizumi brought out his phone and opened it. He clicked on the screen a few times before showing Kageyama a text conversation. 

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