Left Behind

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  I slide under the boards and roll away as the mannequin arms reach through the gaps. They feel around for me but I'm safely away, I click off my flashlight and walk further into the room. I see the last battery in a slot in the wall above me. I climb a stool and pull down a lever making the lights flicker and sparks fly. The battery shoots out of the wall and clinks as it hits the ground. I drop down to the ground, picking up the battery and walking over to the bars. I see Six sitting there with her back to me. "Six." I say to her, she turns her head and looks at me.

  "You got it." She says to me. I nod and toss it up into a shoot for her. Six climbs a bucket, pulling on her side of the shoot and making the battery fly out towards the wall. She runs over and picks it up, I figure she'll put it in the slot so I can get out. She just stands there staring at the battery as it glows. "Six?" She turns to me and with the battery casting a glow on her face I see a grin spread across her face.

  "Six?" The grin isn't full of warmth or happiness, it's full of malice. "Thank you Mono. I needed this and now that you willingly risked you're life for it I'll be going. I don't need you, all you do is cause trouble." I reach through the bars for her. "After everything I've done for you, you're just gonna leave me here?" I ask my voice cracking. Six puts down the battery and walks closer to me I reach for her but she's just out of my grasp.

  "You're pathetic and useless. The only use I had for you was to get me out of that cabin, then to save me but I wouldn't need saving if YOU HADN'T OF RUN RIGHT INTO THAT TRAP! I HAD HALF A MIND TO LET THAT LONG NECKED FREAK EAT YOU!" Six is yelling at me but none of that is my fault. "And then we came here, and we needed batteries, so I let you risk you're worthless life. Now that you've brought me this battery I don't need you anymore." I feel hot tears run down my face.

  "Do you even care for me?" I ask her. Six shakes her head. "I never cared for you, you're worthless. I have no need for you, I don't even care for those tears you're uselessly spilling." I fall to my knees the depression taking over. "Si-x, I- I care for you." I whisper and she laughs cruelly. "I never cared for you, and I never will. You're feelings don't matter to me." I hear her walk away and I lift my head to watch her. She picks up the battery and walks out of the room. Taking my only means of escape with her.

  I hear another buzz and I watch the doors close blocking me off from the rest of the world. The lights flicker above me, I know they'll go out soon then there'll be nothing stopping those mannequins from tearing me apart.


  I carry each battery under an arm and walk towards the elevator. I don't need him, all he did was get me into trouble. I put the batteries into their slots and hear the elevator start up. I see the lever to start it and quickly jump up pulling it down. The sooner I get away from him the better. The doors open and walk inside glad that I'm leaving the trouble behind. The elevator goes down and opens to a dark hallway.

  I walk down it wishing I took his flashlight, after all, he doesn't need it. I turn and see a door with a cloth hanging from the window at the top. I use the cloth to climb through and I drop down onto a floor covered with mannequin parts. I groan in disgust and kick an arm into the darkness. I walk forward and I hear banging come from a door, I see a boarded up door along with a pipe. I walk towards the pipe but the door next to me busts open and a hand jumps out, another hand scuttles towards me.

  I take a step back and run back towards the door I came through. I try to squeeze through the bars but the gap is too narrow. I press my back against the door as the hands corner. Now I regret leaving him behind, he would know what to do. I scream as both hands lunge at me.


  I point my flashlight at all the mannequins. I'm pressed into a corner the mannequins keeping me there. I hear a high pitched scream echo throughout the halls. I know it's Six, it's the same scream as when she was taken by the Bullies. She must've encountered something, I click off my flashlight and the mannequins all reach out to me tearing me apart.

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