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  I run out from under the beds as that bulbous fat Doctor crushes them under his weight. I see an incinerator in front of me with Six under the door. I jump into the incinerator and feel the room shake as the Doctor crawls towards me. I drop down into the ashes below the bed in here, as the Doctor crawls in I hear the bed creek and groan under his weight. I wade through the ashes towards a grate at the front of the incinerator. "Six!" Isee her close the door to the incinerator locking the Doctor in.

  "Six help me!" She looks at me and smiles cruelly. "I wonder what it looks like when you burn." Suddenly she runs of to the side and here a lever get pulled. "No no no! Six! Please don't! Please let me out!" Flames leap up around me and sweat pours down my body. Six walks slowly back into view and waves at me slowly. She holds out her hands warming them on what will soon be my dead body.

  I feel blisters rises up on my skin as I get burnt, it hurts so bad. I fall to my knees and close my eyes sadly. I thought she cared. I thought she would help me get out of this city. I thought we'd get out together. I open my eyes one last time to see Six walk away from the incinerator and over to an elevator. She jumps up, pulling down the lever and the elevator arrives.

  She gives one last wave before getting onto the elevator and leaving forever. I feel my skin dry up and I close my eyes, dying.

  Hey guys, I know this book mostly consists of Six betraying Mono, but I seriously am having a hard time thinking of other betrayals, can you help. Also since this story was so short I'm giving you another story down below.

Leave You Hanging


  I drag the hammer behind me as I walk through the halls of the school. A kid jumps out from behind some lockers and break his head too. I see a raised floorboard in front of the doorway to the bathroom and trigger the trap before running inside.

  I see two kids teasing Six who is hanging from her ankle. I quickly smash their heads in before looking up at Six. I drop the handle of the hammer and look up at her, technically it's her fault for getting caught. "Mono?" She whispers. I shake my head and walk over to a partially open window. I pull it open and walk across the board into another room.

  Suddenly I hear a high pitched scream behind me. I know it's Six. And I smile as I leave her behind.


  I watch Mono leave me behind as I hang here. Suddenly two kids run in and untie my rope. I scream as I fall and I hit my head on the hard floor. I feel myself get dragged away by the kids and tears fall from my eyes. I thought Mono cared. Suddenly I'm thrown to the floor and a kid holds up a saw. Oh no.

  I'm held down as they start hacking away at my body.

Little Nightmares Betrayals Where stories live. Discover now