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As soon as I bumped into this girl, she was walking away. It was like she didn't want to be near me. Whatever, that's nothing new. I then realised that she was going the same way as me, so I followed her. She picked up the pace as she went into the room that I was supposed to be in. I walked in quickly after her. I went up to the teacher and explained who I was. She introduced me as Elizabeth. I winced. Only my dad was allowed to call me Elizabeth.

She told me to take a seat and asked everyone to welcome me. I heard a murmur of welcomes followed by glares of hatred. I got that a lot.

I looked next to the girl I was sat by, which was the same girl I had bumped into previously. I wanted to introduce myself properly but I decided against it: she probably wasn't interested anyway. So I sat at the back of the class and looked out the window: praying for this day to hurry.


I was the last one to leave the classroom as I was too busy looking out of the window to notice how the time had gone by. I picked up my bag and silently left the classroom as the teacher watched me. I shut the door behind me and noticed that girl I'd seen multiple times today hugging this guy. Funny, I thought she would be the type of person to hate everyone, but maybe it's just me. I shrugged it off and went for a walk. The rest of the building wasn't that much different to the hallway, in fact, it seemed to repeat itself. I decided it would be best to turn around for fear of getting lost: I didn't fancy meeting anyone else who seemed to hate me before I even opened my mouth.

I turned back and, upon deciding I didn't know where anything was, went to find the bathroom. I could hide in there for the next hour, surely?

I walked around for a bit, avoiding the judgmental stares and glares of students passing by, and found the sign that said 'toilet'. I went in and what a surprise, that girl was there as well. I avoided her gaze and walked straight into the cubicle. I got out my notepad and pen and started writing.

 “Come on, Mabel!” I heard someone from outside the bathroom shout.

 “Coming!” The girl replied, and I heard footsteps walk quickly out of the bathroom.

Her name is Mabel. Interesting.


Quicker than I expected it to, the bell rang. I sighed and collected my stuff, leaving the bathroom slowly. Why would I hurry? Nobody seems to notice me anyway. I checked my timetable. English. Probably my favourite subject.

I walked into the room after much debate and much looking. I could just leave. I paced back and forth for a bit before entering. Everyone looked up and glared at me, but said nothing. Every one apart from Mabel, she was sat on her own. The only empty seat was at the back, next to the window, and next to Mabel. This was becoming a habit.

 “So class, as I was saying, this term we will mainly be focusing on creative projects. Specifically, this one,” she pulled up a Powerpoint on the board.

 “You have to write an essay on this town.”

I frowned. That's not creative.

 “You have to write an essay on this town. Write about the present though, not the past,” she said, as she flicked to the next slide.

 “Why not the past?” I asked.

All eyes turned on me. It was oddly freaky.

 “Because, in a creative essay, the past doesn't matter.”

 “Why not?”

She paused, and then took a seat at the front of her desk.

 “You must be the new child. Elizabeth.”

 “Eliza. Yes.” I said, getting a bit bored of people using Elizabeth. I did specify that people call me Eliza.

 “Well, Elizabeth, you should know that in my class, you don't ask questions. You just do.” She glared at me.

 “Alright.” I said.

 “Good. Glad we understand each other.”

She went back to teaching, and the children turned their heads back to face her.

 “Now, everyone get into partners, as you'll be working in pairs for this project.”

Everyone, without words, went to sit beside someone. It was like they had all planned it beforehand. Almost robotic. Everyone had a partner now; everyone apart from, that is, Mabel and I.

 “And Mabel, looks like you have a partner this time,” she remarked.

Mabel nodded, looking at me.

I saw her out of the corner of my eye but didn't look at her.


After school ended, I started to walk to the new house. Suddenly, I heard a voice call my name. I turned around to see Mabel walking after me.

 “Eliza, right?”

 “Well you've just screamed my name several times so yeah.”

 “I just wanted to say--”

 “If it's about the project, don't worry. I'll do it on my own. You don't have to do anything.”

 “No, it's just that we have to do it together. She'll know. Honest.”

I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair.

 “Alright fine.”

 “Sorry I should introduce myself. I'm Mabel.” She stuck her hand out. I shook it tenderly.

 “I know,” I said.

 “Okay, cool...” she said awkwardly.

 “Well, I have to go home and pack, so..”

 “Well, we could meet up tomorrow?” She asks.


She walks away with a bye, and I'm left alone. Once again.

Don't Trust ThemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora