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After the meeting ended, Dererai stayed behind while Ushe was busy persuading Tapfuma not to leave this far into the night for fear that something might happen to him along the way. After he finally gave in, Dererai brought back the conversation about Hombarume, as if he had been dying for them to discuss it alone.

'How then do we uncover this mystery? Sooner or later he shall be executed as tradition demands.'

'You are right there, my friend, we have only a little time to find out how all this came to be. I shall ponder upon it tonight and have an answer by first light,' Ushe replied.

'And what does the young man think? He seems to be steady on his feet,' Dererai said while pointing.

Tapfuma reacted to this by moving closer to the two.

'I think the best way to solve this is to speak to the one at the center of it all,' he suggested.

'They will never allow us anywhere near him, not after a crime of this magnitude,' Ushe protested.

'He is right, it is worth trying, my friend. It may be our only chance to find out what really happened.'


During the day, it all seemed surreal, as if it was some folktale coming to life, but as night came, reality started to sink in and Revai was completely overwhelmed. The fear and the guilt were now creeping in and wreaking havoc. Fear of the lengths to which the Chief was willing to go to retrieve his heir, the guilt of not guiding Hombarume out of his predicament in time. He had warned him, he kept telling himself that was enough, that it was only his stubbornness that led him to his demise.

Even when he told himself this, he felt responsible nonetheless. He felt a terrible anger brewing inside of him, anger that he had felt only a long time before, when his father was still alive destroying their peace every single day and there was nothing he could possibly do to change his circumstances. Until he confronted the problem, this anger would continue to spread like a festering wound, slowly causing unimaginable agony. He had to confront the Chief.

It was a risky route that could possibly mean his downfall, but the time for speculation was long over, only action would suffice here. If the Chief was still the person he knew and respected, he would surely tell him face to face why he had agreed to do what he had done. He had to know why the Chief was in cohorts with strange spirits, sneaking and creeping in the night behind his people's backs. Revai was the only one who knew what had happened and there was nothing he could have done to change the situation.

Night had struck Chief Banga's palace and with it came allure of bright heavenly white light from above which clashed with the orange light lingering from every corner of the massive compound. Torches had to be lit every single night lest intruders take advantage of the darkness and pounce. The Chief had been in his chambers since late afternoon when Hombarume had been apprehended, discussing the course of action they would take in making sure that justice was brought upon him. Obviously the Chief had already done his part, struck a deal with demons and was waiting for his reward, what would happen to Hombarume next was only inevitable.

Revai waited patiently until the meeting elapsed, going about his normal duties and making sure that the guards who watched the compound were doing their work efficiently, keeping at the back of his mind that he had to talk to the Chief before he retired to his quarters. He finally seized the moment when the old man was about to leave. The room was poorly lit, with twin lamps on each end of the large empty space, with only the throne and  other seats to ease the emptiness. Chief Banga was almost unrecognizable in the half darkness, his beady eyes were the only feature that prevailed.

'My Lord, if I may have a word with you before you go,' Revai said with an awkward bow.

'What is it, Revai?' he asked, sinking back into the throne. He usually did better in hiding his casualness toward his head of the guard but today the effort was minimal.

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