why are you so insecure?(a roc royal love story)

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Chemistry POV:

My names chemistry monae nesmith.I just turned 16 yesterday.todays saturday and im having my party later.Yes i go out with chresanto but im thinkin about calling it ties like im so insecure an its all his fault whenever we argue he brings it up (his voice)"Chemistry?why u so insecure at times?!!!!i cant stand that about you why would i cheat huh??"why you have flows?why u got hoes in your face 24/7 explain that sinse u got so much to say tell me what i wanna hear not the bullshit u try to feed me idk about this boy i mean graduations in 5 months im going to N.Y,N.Y to persue my singing and designing career

why are you so insecure?(a roc royal and jacob latimore love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz