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Joey POV
When I woke up I was greeted by blinding lights. "What the," I say siting up. I apparently left the lights on before I went to bed. I got up and turned them off. I get dressed in the usual jeans and a t-shirt and walk to the bathroom. Luckily John wasn't in there dancing. I do the morning routine and went down stairs. No one was home which surprised me so I went outside and waited for the bus. Lily wasn't there ether. And that kind of scared me. I arrived at school and I was met by Rachel, Sophie, and Stacy, ugh. Stacy leaves and then Rachel and Sophie walk up to me. "Hi," says Sophie. "Uh hi?" I say confused. "Do you know Jason likes you," says Rachel. "I don't believe you," I say. "Oh." "Well I'm going to my locker," I say trying to leave. "Wait." There was a moment of silence until Rachel got a text. "Ok now go ugly," she says walking away with Sophie behind her. "Ok?" I leave and walk to my locker confused.

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