39 | daydream

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"Why are you all staring at me like you saw a ghost?" Sohyun giggled. She took the last seat available, which ended up being beside me.

We all still didn't speak a word even after she said that. I'm still wondering if I'm just daydreaming, since I have had my fair share of hallucinations before.

Sohyun looks so different. Long black hair that reaches up to her waist, more defined features that showcase her beauty, and her style... she's become so much more mature and feminine.

I just feel so choked up and lightheaded.

"We all thought you were dead." Nana barely got her words out.

"Where did you get that from?" Sohyun chuckled. "I didn't die, but I did end up in a coma. My family moved to France, since the healthcare system was more advanced there... I woke up eight years ago, but I don't remember much. Please bare with me if I've forgotten your names."

I wanted to burst into tears right then and there, both happiness and anger. I'm so happy to know that she's alive, but angry that I grieved for ten years knowing that she was dead. I felt so helpless and nobody corrected me, I almost feel robbed.

"Okay, I guess let's go around the circle and introduce ourselves." The class president advised and it started from Sohyun, going counter-clock wise. That means I'm last.

"My name is, Choi Beomgyu." I looked at her and said it slowly. Please remember...

"Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"You don't remember him?" One of our classmates asked and she just stared at them blankly. "You two were like madly in love during senior year."

"We dated?" Sohyun looked at me, quite amused by the situation.

"Yeah, we did." I nervously told her. I'm not sure if I'm actually conscious around her, or if it's because there's so many people surrounding us. I'm still in shock.

"Why did we break up?" She asked and Leo immediately changed the topic, turning back on the music so we could enjoy.

"Do you want to catch up after this?" I asked and she nodded.

"I guess I'll leave you two up to each other! I'll find a new date." Cass winked.

"I'm really happy to see you again." I told Sohyun and she blushed.

"I don't remember, but me too! Maybe we should exchange numbers... who knows, it might become convenient." She handed me her phone and I pressed in my digits. She also gave me her business card.

"You ended up taking over after all. I'm very proud of you." I smiled as I saw the familiar logo that's engraved onto the card.

"How about you, what's your job?" She asked and I told her about my organization. She seemed genuinely impressed.

"It's very half-and-half. Sometimes it's fulfilling, other times it gets too difficult. It's hard when you're dealing with lives, it also puts you at risk. I try not to get too attached to the kids, but it's tough."

"Yeah, I definitely get that! I'm scared of commitment as well," she mentioned. "I really like the idea behind your service and you seem very passionate about it. We should talk more about this soon! I'd love to organize something for the kids."

"That would be amazing." I felt my chest lighten up. We promised each other that day... ten years from then, I'll have an organization and Sohyun would collaborate with me. I never expected it to become a reality after what happened.

Do I tell her about the truth between us?

"Be careful." Leo walked pass me and pretended to cough. He's right. However, at the same time I can't hold things back anymore. When will I be able to see her again?

"You look beautiful, by the way..." I whispered to her and she went closer to me. "You kind of just disappeared from me back then. I've never really gotten over you."


Sohyun is back ???? I think you all wanted her alive so here you go lol

Song: Giveon — Like I Want You

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