Notice(I guess?)

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Well, how can I start this? It was fun that I had created this to express my thoughts. It was not that much, but hey, my brain too smoll. I forgor many things. When I was writing this, I was but an amature when it comes to stories. I don't have any direct thought of path nor have constructed a straight plot. Just me and my dumb idea that was formed from an inspirational(from my past and naive perspective) story.

You see, back then, there was but a tiny portion of the fanfiction side that delve to these kind of stuffs. You know, those rejection thingy that many people quite ignores? Yeah, those. And, as you know, I was on an emo shit state borderline edgy cringe bastard when I wrote this. Kids, honestly, I just want to strangle my past self and scream, "Shit stop being emo wannabe you cringe ass mafukah!!!" But yeah, my main point is, I remembered wanting to write a story that would relate to many that I had felt that time. The feeling of loneliness and just don't know what to do in life.

But hey, I am back mah dudes!!

For the reason why I wasn't able to continue this, it was because I was working on a fanfic I published to the webnovel app that, for my experience, got me into writing(although, it's pretty cringe and my weak toxic sassy ass just straight up cursed at every bad comments I got lol). It was going fine, got some advice from some people I don't know and lifted my confidence up.

But, as what they say, nothing lasts forever.

And just as that, the views I got from that fanfic dropped down significantly at a rapid amount. My confidence followed suit as I went to a state that just sat there and questioned my whole existence. The following tragic pass of someone I know didn't helped as it brought me down as well. My sassy emo wannabe personality was reduced to atoms, like a rock crumbling down to dust as I fell to the deep pit of author/writer's block. Soon, I wasn't able to update any work and just... Lazed it off. Adding the fact to the death of my favorite mangaka, Kentaro Miura(manga author of Berserk), it just got worst.

But now, now that I had some bits of time, and my boredom just reached it's limit, I guess it's back to writing? Along my time of not publishing any story, my storytelling is not that much good now, so please bear with me if I continue or rewrite this.

Any who, what do you guys think?

1) Should I continue? [Cringe route: Fuck diz shit I'm out.]


2) Do you believe in Gravity? [I'm feeling lucky.]

The Fate resides on your hands. GG as always, and Adios, WRYYYYYYYYYYYY(please ignore this line, I've developed some sort of DIO mannerism and I can't stop it, a good ol' Yabe scenario).

Rhou Nerius Of End (Fate/ Stay Night x Male {Otherworldly} Reader)Where stories live. Discover now