Blush and Anxiety

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Luigi blushed "You look amazing, S-Kingsley."

Kingsley blushed, 'He almost called me sir!' "Anyway, you wanted to talk?"

Luigi nodded. They headed to the family room, His Ghastliness looking nervously back Luigi from time to time, sporting that signature Boo expression. The room actually looked like something Luigi would have in his house, modest, simple, it even had vases of cronuses, Kingsley's favorite flower, though the odd thing was, in those same vases were dandelions, Luigi's favorite, odd, unless...

Luigi blushed as before he knew it, he was leaning on Kingsley's shoulder, with Kingsley's arm over his; he didn't object, taking his shoes off and pushing them aside as he laid down, snuggling lightly into Kingsley's stomach, Polterpup doing the same to Luigi. "So what was it this time-a?"

"The first one, meeting him, but what hurt was the fear that came with it; the fear of the uncontrollable."

"I know how that feels, Amato-" Luigi gasped sharply, correcting himself, "Kingsley."

Kingsley blushed, trying to clue in on what Luigi said, continuing, "What would happen to my friends, my subjects?"

Luigi tried  to think of something to say, but couldn't get it out as he was hit with a heartbreaking sentence.

"Then you came along and I worried for you, you shouldn't have been dragged into my nightmare."

"But if I-a wasn't involved, your-a condition would've gotten-a worse-a."

"Oh, right. Y'know, I keep forgetting you saved me by practically doing nothing."

"Ah, I'm-a known for that, and besides, I did-a flinch and knock-a off that gem."

"I still can't believe it shattered."

Luigi cuddled closer, Polterpup having run off with one of the younger members of Boolossus's family. "Yea, I still-a can't believe that-a I'm-a me again-a either. I can-a still hear-a his laughing in-a my head."

Kingsley held Luigi tight. "Hey, hey, it's ok, he should have been destroyed anyway, and if he isn't, Grambi be willing, I'll destroy him for you." Kingsley smiled his signaturely warm smile.

"Are you sure you can do that, Kingsley?"

"Non ne sono sicuro, ma ti proteggerò per tutta la mia vita nell'aldilà."

(Amato = Beloved/Darling/Sweetheart, and that last line should read [give or take, had to use Google translate] "I'm not sure, but I'll protect you for my whole afterlife")

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