Wretched reflections

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Wretched Reflections

The mirror was clean and stainless, no fingerprints were in sight. The glass was untouched and dust free. Suddenly a rough, scarred looking fist clashed with the glass breaking it instantly. A loud crash was heard as my knuckles hit it, the shards spilled everywhere the eye could see. The sink, the floor, even some near my feet.
I looked at my wretched reflection in the mirror, it was shattered, large and small shards were scattered all over the floor. I leaned against the bathroom sink with my hair messy and unkempt. I glanced down at my and sighed softly before standing up straight. The sink was slightly stained. I know I should've done it, but the omens were haunting me. They were creeping back into my mind. "Crap." I muttered. "I should clean this up." I hesitated to move. "No...first I have to..." I hung my head low I stood up straight as I heard a loud bang. My eyes darted around in a hurry.  Am I hearing things? No, no I can't be. I thought I had dealt with those things long ago.

 Something banged against the bathroom window before a loud squwark followed. I groaned an rolled my eyes. Damn birds, being a pain in the ass again. Whatever I don't have the energy to deal with them today. I looked down at my wrist. "Time to clean this up I guess." I slowly walked over to the bathroom cabinet and quickly opened it desperate to get this stupid self inflicted injury I caused cleaned up so I could just get on with my day. I took out the first aid kit and yanked the zip open so I could access the supplies. "Why did I do this to myself?" No time for stupid questions, I'm just delaying it even further. I fumbled around with the tweezers, carefully pulling out shards of glass from injured hand. God I'm an idiot.

Injuries and scars were all I had, both present and past. Scars and  promises...The broken shards of the l cracked once dull glass were now shattered into tiny pieces and of course once again it was my fault. It always is.

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