I Guess This Is It

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Laura's PV:

Tomorrow Parker, Pat and I leave for New York and I haven't seen Ross lately which makes me really happy. I'm packing all my stuff up right now and Raini and Calum are helping me. I'm really going to miss them. There the only true friends I've ever had, but now I'm closing the chapter to 1 book and opening a new one.

I need to move on from my fake life, from my family, from Ross. Both Ross and my family claim they love me but there a bunch of fucking liars. Ross cheated on me and my family they left me. Nessa moved out to pursue her acting career and she hasn't called or came to see me in months. My parents say there only suppose to be gone for 4 months well that turns into a year and it's not like they fucking call.

I'm a nobody to them. I always was and I always will be. Thats okay though because I like being a nobody it means I'm alone and I like being alone. I would rather die alone than have to be with someone who can't except me for who I am.


Raini: Laura I'm really going to miss u
Calum: yeah me to Laur
Laura: (fake smiles) I'm going to miss u guys to but u know how much I've wanted this right it's always been my dream to go to NYU
Ross: since when u never fucking told me that
Laura: (whips her head around) wtf r u doing here this is breaking and entering you asshole.
Ross: shut up Laura I'm done being nice since when have u wanted to go to NYU I want to know.
Laura: since I accepted my scholarship the beginning of senior year.
Ross: (jaw drops) so u knew u were going to NYU before we even broke up. What were u going to do Laur pack up all your shit avoid me then show up on my door step saying your leaving and then that's it.
Laura: (rolls her eyes) idk Ross but what I do know is you can't fully blame this on me because whenever I brought up college you would get pissed at me and not want to talk about it. So u can't blame this all on me.
Ross: yeah well I didn't want to talk about college because I'm not going.
Laura: (scoffs) shocker
Ross: fuck you Laura I'm not like u. I've had one set goal my whole life which was making the pros and that happened for me. I'm not like u I'm not noble like u. I don't want to go back to school so I can spend another 4 years there or whatever. I'm going pro and that's all I've ever wanted.
Laura: well Ross knowing u all these years and listening to u ramble on about football making me lose some brain cells. I'm pretty sure u need to go to college play football if u make the team then get pulled up to pros if I was listening correctly.
Ross: well Laura I guess I'm good enough I don't even need to go to college.
Laura: good for u. You would have never made it in college anyway. Now get out Ross.
Ross: well I guess this is goodbye. It's too bad a 12 year relationship has to end this way but oh well I can't see us ever being friends after the way your going right now
Laura: Stfu Ross this is your fault. I mean I'm just back to the way I used to be your the one who changed me bad to good and now good to bad again and thank you I really do mean that. I would much rather be bad than good. So now look at me I'm back to my old self and it feels so great. You have no idea how good it feels to cut again Ross. The high you feel from it not knowing if your going to pass out or not because of the blood loss. You should really try it sometime. So really I should be thanking u for kissing Maia. Now leave (shows her cuts)
Ross: (tears in his eyes) Laura that's not healthy look in the mirror, look at your arms, I feel sorry for u Laura. Look at the way u act every night getting high and drunk you really need help.
Laura: oh please Ross I don't want your pity, or your tears just go.
Ross: fine but know you'll always be my best friend and I'll always love you.

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