my crush ❤️

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hii my nickname is issa my crush is (NO NAME DROPPING) and this is about him

It all started in august when we started school,i started crushing on him. I was so embarrassed when he found out he took my phone and added his snap i was confused and kinda happy, (hey so i forgot bout this and im in a diff school and shit so yuh but lemme continue) so my friend said i wanted the snap but i did but didn't, he texted me and i was on the bus and crap but he texted me hi i said "who is this" and it was him couple days later he asked for my birthday and stuff and then he called me cute.

next day at school i ignored him (May sound really rude but i had an F in math and had to do my homework and he left my history class and we never saw eachother in gym), few days later he then unadded me rude ikr

but then i started to unlike him, i became friends with the biggest whore in the school she was rude tbh, my crush (NO NAME DROPS) would like always follow me and shit like in gym my only class with him before i moved but like during basketball i would always play basketball by myself or with a kid named brian, so he would always go near me, i would walk away, then he would move closer again, i would walk away like bro stay the fuck away from me, then when i found out i had a non renewal from my old house i started liking him again 6 WEEKS BEFORE I HAD TO MOVE LIKE OMFG then my whore friend like walked up to him and said "yk issa(my nickname she said my actual name)" he said "yeah the girl who likes me" i was tempted to walk with her i probs should have bc little would i know that was my last time seeing him before i left, so before i left i left 2 weeks before i joined my new school and thats for another chapter 😍😍😍 should i try to add him again lmao (btw i did add him)

bro its not letting me make another part 😀

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