my new crush

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ok so i moved school to (im not saying my new school u creeps 😒) i still liked him for like a week then i fell in love with a girl named (NO NAME DROPS AGAIN BRU) omg shes so pretty and cute(nuhuh dec5th 23)

ok cuties i have to be in the school a little more 😍

So its summer break now This is about (ANOTHER NAME DROP), She was being nice At first and then she just started ignoring me for no reason because she met someone named star, Then i just kept ignoring her and never talked to her ever again, So because of that i made some more friends, Friends who actually still talk to me, So what im saying is that (AHHHHHH) and evan fucking suck, Mostly (UGHHHHH),its now after that, i made new friends, blah blah blah, last day of school we cried we had fun next day we had a pool party, me my friend and my 2 other friends, then me and my friend went to icon park. then life went on, first day of school. is where shit went down. my bestfriend asked me out on friday the first week of school, we dated for like 1-2 weeks she hasnt talked to me through any of those days, fast forward to... August 24th. the day im writing this crying myself to sleep. we broke up. my first girlfriend and we broke up after 1-2 weeks, as im writing this shit im heart broken, crying,  (THIS IS SO CRINGE OH MY GODDDDD)

april 18th 2023
Hey besties, im back and i met someone else and also got ruined by star 😘, So there was this kid named (OH M GEEEEEEE) and Idk why i liked him i guess i just did,but i introduced him and star to eachother,they became besties,(btw star and me were bestfriends now) but star started to like michael and i did to so like, but (another name drop) was dating this girl (another one) and before her was (oh my) ,yea lots of drama, but i liked (😔🤥) and so did she,so she confessed before me (HE. used to like me) and they started dating,few months later (bru im gonna die from these name drops) moves star and him r faraway dating,and then they break up(just got this info lol) ALSO STAR BROKE UP WITH (HAHAHAHAHA) AND WAS STILL SENDING HIM NUDES (DEC 5TH 2023 IM GETTING THIS INFO)

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