Always and Forever

16 1 0


December 10, 2003

Elijah has not seen Mystic Falls in what seems like centuries.

The eldest Original made it a point to often stop by as the years passed by. He wished to see how his home had changed over the years. He remembers years back when Mystic Falls had been small with only a Main Street and a handful of shops well up into the early 1920's. Then, everything changed with the addition of buildings and homes were built. It became a busy little town and Elijah, if he were being honest, was sad to see it change.

Tonight, however, he has not come to see the town's change in the last decade. He has come on a much more important trip.

His brown eyes search for the address he needs. 15 Oak Lane. After another minute or so, he finds the address and turns into the home's driveway. Once he parks the car, he looks over the house in front of him. It's a two story home made of brick, decorated for Christmas. Toys litter the yard from children at play and there are a slew of bikes parked at the front of the garage.

Elijah exits the car, eyes snapping towards the window where he sees the movement of curtains. Then, he watches as the door is opened by a man with dark hair and eyes to match. In his hand, he clutches a child's bag and behind him follows a fair haired child with blue hues. He can tell the girl has been crying and she looks petrified. Elijah stops at the end of the walkway, watching as the man descends the steps.

The man nearly laughs. "I'm surprised you decided to come."

Elijah clenches his jaw. "Granted, it was short notice. I came to relieve you of your problem, since a five year old is such a burden." In fact, the girl doesn't even look five. She's the size of a three year old, much too thin and short for her age.

"You have no idea how much trouble this...this creature is," he spits, pointing to the little girl. The girl hangs her head down, ashamed of herself. "If her mother were living, maybe it wouldn't have come down to this. I could have tolerated her. But I can't have the reminder of the monster her mother slept with running around."

"She's a child," Elijah states firmly. He knew nothing of the girl until forty-eight hours ago. He received a call from the man before him- David- and he said for him to pick up the "monstrosity" that belonged to his brother, Niklaus. Elijah knew not how he came across the number or how it was possible for Klaus to have a child, but his brother has always defied nature. His curiosity led him back to Mystic Falls to see this miracle child and he knows he hasn't been lied to.

"No child's eyes glow yellow or makes things levitate. She has fangs when she's angry- she bit her brother and caused him to have stitches," David sneers. Then, he throws the bag to Elijah's feet, the blue bag rolling harshly over the ground before stopping at his shoes. David points to Elijah, looking at the girl. "Go."

Elijah would have had the man's head for speaking to the girl that way, but he can't with the girl watching. He can't with the other children needing a father.

The Original kneels down. He smiles at the girl. "Come. I won't hurt you." His eyes watch as the little girl shuffles towards him, shaking because of the cold. She edges closer until she's standing before him and Elijah studies over her.

She looks so much like Klaus that it's terrifying.

If Klaus had been a girl, this would have what he'd looked like. The girl has a small scar over her right eyebrow and Elijah can see the fading bruises over her left jaw.

The girl sniffles and wipes her eyes. She's trying so hard to be brave. "A-Are you my daddy?" Her voice quakes and Elijah smiles sadly, shaking his head.

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