Chap 1

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Don't you ever just randomly fall asleep while you're in the middle of class, and you have such an amazing dream. Then the teachers has to wake you up?

Sadly, Jeonghan just got into that predicament. He did all his work, and took a little nap. After youre done with your work, don't you take a little rest while you can? Yeah, I knew it.

"Hey Hey Jeonghan." Mrs. Han whispered.

"What?" Jeonghan replied back sleepily.

"Try not to fall asleep! The period ends in 5 minutes, and knowing you once you fall asleep you don't wake up." She reminded.

"Yeah, right." Jeonghan scoffed.

A student turned around and spoke. "Its true! Dont you remember when the whole class thought you dropped dead because you wouldnt wake up, but you started to sno-"

"Thank you Seungkwan! I can handle this myself." Mrs. Han told in the nicest way possible.

Seungkwan shook his head up and down rapidly smiling with his rosy cheeks, before he had turned around. Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the brown headed boy, when his head was the opposite direction from him. In those 5 minutes class was done, and everyone escorted themselves from the room.

Gym class was next for Jeonghan. Obviously, his least favorite class due to him standing up half of the time, but his only best time because he can see his crush in the hallway. Not saying that his crush isn't in the halls, but he does skip class a lot, so Jeonghan can barely see him. Most of the times when he sees him, he gets beaten up.

Jeonghan doesn't know why he gets treated the way he gets treated. He does everything hes supposed to do and still gets treated like shit. Where's the logic here?

"Hey, Jeonghan!" Dokyeom shouted.

Jeonghan quickly turned around forgetting his own thought as he saw Dokyeoms pearly white teeth and his cute smile. Jeonghan as usual, gives Dokyeom a death stare. Dokyeom is used to this, so it doesn't scare him as much as it used to.

"You have Gym next?" Dokyeom asked.

Jeonghan nodded, and turned around walking towards the class he had to go to. All of a sudden, a loud bang had appeared making Dokyeom jump in fear. His arms was behind his back, as two other students held him hostage. He groaned from the tightness, and tried to squirm away. Nothing worked. He tried his hardest to escape from the two strong arms wrapped around his to help Jeonghan.

In front of Dokyeoms eyes, was his friend, being pushed against a gray locker by non other than Seungcheol. Yes, I said it. Seungcheol, pushed Jeonghan against the locker, get your minds out the gutter!

Jeonghan let out a slight gasp at the sudden move. His blonde bangs covering his eyes as his head faces the floor. Seungcheol yanked Jeonghans collar, bringing the blonde headed boy up to his attention.

"Where's my money." Seungcheol hissed.

"I don't know. Ask your mom. She took it away from me after I slept with her last night." Jeonghan uttered. Making Seungcheol bang him against the locker once more.

Seungcheol was filled with rage. He wanted to kill Jeonghan right then and there. Sadly, he was in school infront of thousands of witnesses. "Wheres my money Jeonghan. Im not going to ask again." Seungcheol's gravelly voice made Jeonghan worry.

Jeonghan didn't show that he was nervous. He's good at hiding his emotions, but his body movements is a different story. He took his shaky hand in his pockets pulling out 30$.

He handed it to Seungcheol, and at the moment when he did it Dokyeom fell to the floor groaning in pain. His arms were bruised, and weak. Seungcheol snatched the green rectangular objects out of Jeonghan's shaky hands, letting go of his collar roughly as he walked away with his two other friends.

Jeonghan walked towards Dokyeom, bending down and whispered. "Are you okay?"

Dokyeom nodded, and gritted his teeth together. "Those boys fucking suck!"

"Yeah, I know." Jeonghan replied. "Do you need help getting up?"

"No, Im just gonna help myself up. Yes, I need your help." Dokyeom sarcastically told.

Jeonghan placed his hand out, letting Dokyeom grab onto it, pulling himself up as he rubbed his bruised arms. Everyone still staring at them, made Dokyeom and Jeonghan uncomfortable.

It always have. This has been happening for 2 year now, but in junior year, Dokyeom was fed up with Seungcheol. He fought Seungcheol for Jeonghan. Dokyeom lost, but he was fine with it. He just hated the fact that he saw a random student get bullied for no reason.

Well he thought he was getting bullied for no reason.

Jeonghan took Dokyeom to the nurses office, skipping gym and helping his friend out. Just like how he helped him in junior year.

I don't like doing these little paragraph things *sigh*.

HELLO HUMANS! HOW ARE WE FEELING? First chapter completed way more to come. Im excited for this. Especially since this book is just a write and go! :)

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