How in the Shell did I end up here?!

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Arc 1: The Triceratons

"Ah, you're awake now?" The voice in front of me was rough, like a pro-wrestler taunting his opponent before a big match. My eyes finally opened, the spice of the speaker revealing to be none other than the ruler of the Triceraton Empire.

'How in the Shell did I end up here?! '

"You may not remember me so allow me to give you a refresher," He stood up from his throne, walking over to a large window. The two guards holding me in place, picked me up and dragged me over to the window, slamming me into a sitting position next to him on his right. "I am Emperor Zanmoran of the Triceraton Empire. I'm the one you-"

"I know who you are!"

"Ah, then you remember that you and your little friends had me at gunpoint during your little hostage situation." His eyes scanned me over, a smirk spreading across his face as he did so. What does this creep even want with me anyway?! "You see Little Red, an alien of your kind is rather rare. Green Eyes, Green Skin. Not many species have that."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean? What are you gonna do, sell me?!"

Emperor Zanmoran just chuckled lightly, crouching down until our beaks were mer inches apart. Naturally, this freaked me out a little. I back away slightly, only to bump into the guard standing behind me and keeping me in place. "Oh no, Little Red. You're too exotic to sell. You will simply be the mate of my only son, Zaki. A queen if will. A pampered queen who will carry the heir to the throne once both I and Zaki are gone from existence."

I blinked before yanking my arm free and punching that damn smirk off his smug face, "Are you fucking insane?! First of all, I am nobody's mate or queen! Second of all, I can't carry babies, you moron! I'M A GUY!" I was breathing quickly, shaking even. I don't scare easily but this? I was fucking terrified! How exactly did this idiot plan for me to have his grandchildren?! 'Why am I shaking so much? Why can't I stop shaking?! '

He rubbed his beak, a small trail of blood leaving his nose. I swallowed as he stared at me with an unreadable look in his eyes, causing me to squirm under his gaze. Without warning, he struck me across the face. My eyes widened slightly as the sting settling over my cheek burned like a lit match was thrown at my face. A punch never stung this bad, so why does a simple slap hurt like this?! I tried to keep in the water from leaving my eyes, the pain reaching every inch of the right side of my face. "You do not strike your emperor. Such outbursts will be punished, do you understand?"

I didn't bother to answer, not giving into the bullshit this asshole was throwing down. I refused to allow Zanmoran to have the power to control me. "Very well, take him away to proceed with what's schelched."

The two guards behind me picked me up by my arms and dragged me away.

I was dragged to a large bathroom, a tub the size of a swimming pool stood in the center of it all. The walls were lined with sinks and shelves full of fragrant soaps and perfumes. On one side, a door led to a small room containing a toilet. This would have been the greatest bathroom ever if it weren't for the wide wall sized opening at the end. The guards finally let me go and left, a new triceraton entering the room with some pink cloth in their hands.

"My Quing, I am your Lady-in-Waiting. I am here to help you bathed before dinner. Please strip of your gear so that we may clean you off and get you dressed."

'Lady-in-Waiting? Isn't that supposed to be a girl's position? Are there female triceratons?'

"My Quing? Will you please strip off your gear so that we may get you clean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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