Tea and Crumpets

141 8 30

WARNINGS - character gets stabbed lol


DV tried to push the man with a knife away from them, but the man was too strong. He pushed them onto the floor.

"Please! Stop!" They begged, backing up against the wall.

DV looked up at the man as he laughed and said, "Shh it'll be okay."

Before DV could realize; Darko plunged the knife into their chest. Tears formed in DV's eyes as the man with the glowing white eyes removed the knife. He put the knife into the pocket of his hoodie, and bent down to pick up the now crying DV.

He carried them out onto the balcony and put them into the hot tub. DV was confused, was he going to drown them?

"Now mate, would you like the water hotter? Cooler?" He asked.

DV didn't say anything. They coughed and cried more.

Darko looked at them, what could he do? He asked them, "Would you like a cup of tea and crumpets before you die?"

DV was more confused this time, but they simply nodded. Why was the man being so nice after he had done something so cruel?

The man walked back into the cabin and grabbed a green, tea kettle, he filled it with water and let it boil.

When the water was done he grabbed a green mug and poured the water into the cup and added a green tea teabag.

He let the tea cool down for a moment while he prepared some crumpets. He put the crumpets on a plate next to the cup of tea.

Darko quickly ran to one of the bedrooms to grab a blanket for his dying victim.

He rested the blanket on his shoulder and carried the tea and crumpets onto the balcony, hoping he wasn't too late.

There, in the water-blood hot tub, was DV, still crying and confused. "I made you tea and crumpets, mate!" Darko said cheerfully. "Oh, and I got you a blanket!" He added.

"I... Th-thank you?"

Darko smiled and walked over to the hot tub, surprised that DV didn't try to escape, and happy that he wasn't too late. He gave them the tea and crumpets and helped them drink/eat it.

"Are you in pain? Are you scared?" He asked.

"Y-yeah to both." DV answered.

"Aw, well don't worry! That will all be over soon!" He said, giving a reassuring smile. "I brought a blanket for you too, do you want it?"

"Yes..." DV said, despite the fact the blanket would get wet from the hot tub water.

The man grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around DV. He grabbed the tea cup and put it on one of the hot tub steps.

What DV didn't realize, was that the man had his hand in his pocket, holding something.

He pulled the knife out of his pocket and said, "Now shh, it'll all be okay. Just relax, DV."

DV tried to scream, but before they could, the knife went soaring into their throat.


hope you enjoyed this 😍 it's all for fun and I wrote it at 5AM.

Darko's Dying Victim ☆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon