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This chapter is a short one just starting, off they will hopfully get longer as they go on. Thank you for reading and I hope my writing is half bearable! Enjoy! or don't but whatever.

"Nowhere to run now Frankie" a voice bellowed from the shadows. "How many times do I gotta tell you?" the voice chuckled.

I spun around, my back against the wall. I still couldn't see him. "Just leave me the hell alone dammit!" I shouted, trying to keep my voice from wavering. Sweat was dripping down my face and my lungs were stinging from all the running.

"Oh Frankie" he laughed. "That's something I just cannot do" he's voice echoed through the ally.

"Damn shit you can't" I screamed, angry at his ignorance.

"Such a foul mouth you've got on you" he snarled, coming into the light. "I've had enough of it"


I woke suddenly, my heart pounding from the nightmare. It's the third time I've had it this week. Always the same; I'd sense someone following me, I'd run away only to get stuck down an ally with the same red headed creep as always. But it wasn't like he just shot of knifed my to death; he bit me. I would try to struggle but I could never get out of his grip. Eventually I ran out of energy, watching black blotches take over my sight and I would wake up.

I laughed to myself. "Bloody vampires"

I laid in bed waiting for my alarm then got up and started to get ready for work. "Well good morning Iero! Have a nice sleep?" my friend Ray beamed from behind the kitchen counter.

Me and Ray had been friends since as long as I can remember. We met at a party when I stuck gum in his hair for braking my action figure and have been friends ever since.

"Hey dude, it was okay had that weird dream again though, you?" I smiled back.

"That vampire one?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"The one and only" I sighed, thinking back on the dream.

"Hey I told you watching Twilight was a bad idea Frank" he laughed, lightening the conversation. "Oh and hey maybe your mysterious vampire guy will sparkle too?"

"Shut it Toro" I laughed, slapping him over the head. "I'll see your annoying ass later, I'm gunna be late for work because of you" I joked, heading towards the apartment door.

"Bite me Iero" he called back as I closed the door.


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