Strong Again (NEW UPDATE!)

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Big James POV - written by Isa

  "Are you feeling better, James?" John asked as he rolled up the sleeves of his tunic.

"Eh. I've been better," James shrugged. "Why the question? Do you need me or something?"

"Mary finished writing the sermon invitations. I thought the two of us could nail the invitations to the walls of the houses so people can see what is written more easily. Everyone else is on board too. We shall divide and conquer."
  John smiled - happy to have come up with a good idea James knew - and bent down and grabbed a hammer and a bag full of nails he had left at his feet.

"All right. When will we leave?" James asked, tucking an arm around his stomach.

"Fifteen minutes from now, I think. The rest of us are still planning what to do."
John reached up and patted James on the shoulder.
"In the meantime, take the opportunity to rest."

  James nodded and walked to a more secluded corner of the camp. Sitting down on the dry grass, he lifted his face and felt the few rays of sunlight warm him.
   James always tried his hardest to appear tough; strong; thunder-like. But lately the bouts of sickness had been tearing him down hard.
It was embarrassing, and everyone but John seemed confused by him.
He was 'Big James,' right?
Sure didn't seem like it.
He hugged his arms to his body angrily.

"Still feeling bad, Big James?"
James managed a smile as he recognized the voice calling him.

"I've had better days, Rabbi." James chuckled sadly.

"So Mary finished the invitations." Jesus sat down next to James "I hope she is feeling better now too."

James looked down, slightly embarrassed. He hadn't even thought about Mary. Jesus was always so considerate of everyone and here he was, griping about his own pain.

"Ramah said she is getting better but still cries a lot," he recounted.

"James!" John's voice was heard over his thoughts.

"I need to go, Rabbi." James smiled softly "We are all leaving to deliver the invitations."

"That's a great idea! John always comes up with good ones." Jesus smiled and stood up.

James stood up too, smile turning to a grimace as he felt his stomach lurch again and he looked away, sure he would vomit. Not again. The pain roiled inside him and his insides felt like they were eating him alive... But suddenly, to his surprise, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist.
  A warm hand touched his stomach, and the discomfort and nausea passed.

"I know how much you hate the pain, but it is one way you can rely more on me. Sometimes the pain brings us closer. Similarly to the way it brought you closer to your mother as a child. Everyone struggles in different ways but they can either gripe about it, or choose to trust in me and come to me."
   Jesus smiled and walked away. As He did, He said:
  "May you remember this always. And know that your strength is not defined by what others think of you."

  James just stood there, feeling a nostalgia. He wasn't usually a 'touchy-feely' person but the comfort in Jesus' touch and the memory of his eema caressing his belly warmed him inside.
  His mother would always comfort him in his pain as he grew up, and all until he left to follow Jesus.
  And now he was reminded that Jesus was the true comforter. Even if the pain didn't always leave him, Jesus would be there with him, right by his side.
  John also displayed this love whenever James felt sick.
  The memory of his father hugging him came into his mind now. Then of John snuggling up beside him at night.
   A tear came to his eyes, remembering how much he missed his parents. Their time together as a family.
   During his time following Jesus, he found that little moments, smells, feelings reminded him of home and made him miss it.
   It reminded him to never take for granted the blessings in his life.

  With a slight blush on his cheeks, he ran to meet    John, who was patiently waiting for him, an understanding smile lighting up his face.

James picked up the hammer, feeling strong again.
His heart filled once again with love for Jesus, and the mission of why they were doing this.
To spread the news of the Messiah, causing him to forget his own pain.

NOTE: In Bible times, they did not have purified or clean water like we do. Many people have studied that this is why they may have had wine at most meals and probably used wine and honey for stomach ailments because the fermentation helps kill any harmful substances.
  We don't yet know what Big James struggles with most in how the Chosen portrays him, besides the bit we see of him and John together in season 2 episode 1.
  So we wrote him with this ailment, and in our stories each time it brings him closer to Jesus or to his brother.
We are sort of taking creative liberties with the struggles/personalities of each character until we see more of the Chosen and know more. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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