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Upon waking up Bella quickly realizes she is not in her room. Taken aback she all but practically jumps out of bed. 

The room was empty of life except for her and the windows were shut tight. Just then did she start to remember what had happened and how the snow haired boy, William, had been distraught by his past.

Quickly she moves to the door and opens it only to come face to face with Erik who now shared panicked glances towards her and William, who currently  stood in the living room, barely in line of sight of the hallway they stood on.

"W-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" the brunette man said pointing towards the girl, "W-WILLIAM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" and to her amusement the terrified look on the man's face was priceless.

"Uh? I have done nothing! You should learn not to assume things!" a now very flustered William was seen standing staring down the scene.


"Well obviously it's bec-" but before the boy could finish his sentence the short girl spoke "I might have been slightly afraid yesterday, I stumbled across William's room on accident but he was kind enough to calm me down, that's all."

"A-are you sure?" Erik turned towards her, "He is not making you say this, right? BECAUSE IF HE I-"

The female put a hand on the agitated man's shoulder "No he didn't, it's ok you can let it go."

With that the situation was diffused, but it still resulted in a very grumpy brunette and flustered pale boy.

Days passed with the room dead silent, the previous upheaval put to rest.

Everyone had been hard at work reading records of purchases, letters both from scouts and other sources and of course newspapers. After all their report stated that the one whose head they were after had a supplier in the city. It would be the first step to getting close to them.

Erik was heard exasperatedly sighing "Only accounts of some drunk guy walking around. I mean sure he does threaten people but what drunk guy doesn't!"

William looked up from his letter his blue eyes piercing the brunette guy in front of him through his reading glasses, "Don't discard the possibility just yet. Don't forget we don't know anything about this supplier, well aside from that they reside here in the city."

"Sure! Sure!" Erik laughed throwing his tanned hands in the air "I bet on my life it won't be a random drunk guy, but what do I know?" 

The rich man sighs his eyes furrowed before turning to Bella, "What about you? Anything of interest?"

"Actually, yes!" her violet eyes leave the paper, first time in half an hour, before waving it in the air "One of the scouts wrote that the owner of the Raven Inn has told of a strange hooded figure that comes around the place every so often. Apparently the woman never saw them before and it hadn't really crossed her mind to ask or perhaps she was too afraid."

"I know you got a pretty face but you got to use your brain Bella!" Erik exclaims "A hooded figure is the most common thing in an Inn!"

"I am quite sure I am capable of thinking but thank you Erik." The tone in her voice one of alarm although she reminded herself the man probably didn't mean it with malice, "This is quite recent, only happening for the past week or so, at different inns as well."

"But we can't go searching every Inn in town!" the brunette man insists.

An emotionless voice spoke "We will check the source, Raven Inn." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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