𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜!

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"clint, it's gonna be october next friday!" pietro exclaimed happily. oh the boy is surely going to buy himself some candy so he can stash in his room and eat whenever he feels like it. he won't let clint stop him.

the other nodded. "i wish i could be as excited as you for halloween-"

pietro gasped "how are you not happy for it to come?! now i'll have to watch movies and stuff by myself.." he pouted at his boyfriend. clint sighed quietly "i'll watch them with you don't worry.. i don't want to leave you hanging. i also don't want you to get scared." he smirked.

pietro frowned "i don't get scared.." he crossed his arms. clint raised a brow "you sure?" he smirked slightly.

the younger nodded. "yes, i'm sure. stop pestering me about it-" he walked off to find some pumpkin shaped treats he knew were in the kitchen. he found said treat, placing it in his mouth.

clint followed him, "that's not the only thing that can fit perfectly in that-"


"clint! don't speak in front of be about my brother that way!" wanda crossed her arms, walking to her brother taking a treat and eating it as well. pietro smirked "well it's true sister. this isn't the only thing.."

wanda rolled her eyes "you're nasty. both of you are."

clint got a treat as well. "guess i kind of rubbed off on your brother, huh." he kissed pietros cheek after eating.

wanda made a face then walked off. "these two are lucky i don't tell anybody else about what i hear them tell each other when they're in the room doing god knows what.."

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