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"So." Dr. Wyatt mumbled and pursed her lips "What's your issue Meredith?"

"I have no issue." She shrugged "He's the one with problems."

She heard a scoff next to her and a huffing sigh from the doctor.

"Are we going to spend a whole session digging inside of you for a problem again?"

"No." Meredith mumbled.

"Derek?" Wyatt asked "What is your issue."

"With myself or the marriage?"

"Whatever comes to mind first."

"Well I'd like for her to open up to me a little more."

"I am open!" Meredith defended "And who are you to tell me that I'm not open. You went MIA for months!"

"Is that your issue with your husband?" Wyatt asked "Because he was gone and could have been home."

"I suppose it's an issue." Meredith mumbled "It hurts, ya know?"

"I can imagine it would hurt." She nodded "And it might hurt your trust for him as well."

"Why would that make her not trust me?" Derek frowned "I wasn't out with other women, I lived in an old abandoned building and didn't shower. Why would you not trust me?"

"You didn't trust me to help you." Meredith muttered "You didn't trust our marriage, you didn't trust my vows. You were gone! You....abandoned our marriage."

"I came back." He muttered angrily "I'm here now."

"But that doesn't mean damage wasn't done." Kat said "I understand that you were detained for quite some time. But you were gone on your own accord, because things were difficult for you?"

"I couldn't sleep without destroying things." He said "I didn't want to hurt her."

"But you didn't trust her to be with you in the bad and ugly." Kat said "Now she's feeling that you might leave again, if things get any harder what security does she have that you won't leave again?"

"I won't." he said "I'm back and I'm staying back."

"You promised." She murmured, Derek's eyes snapped over to her and narrowed "You promised that you wouldn't leave me."

"I had no choice." He sighed and took a long cleansing breath "I love my wife, and I made a mistake. I put her through hell I know. If that's not the worst feeling in the world then I don't know what is. But I'm here for the long haul." He turned and looked at her with a soft, meaningful expression "And I'm not leaving you again....not unless you ask me to."

Meredith rolled her eyes "I'm not asking you to leave, and I don't plan on it. Trust me, I would have already. That lamp you broke last night was my mothers, a one of a kind."

"That wasn't your mother's lamp." He frowned "Your mother's lamp is the porcelain one with the roses, not the square blue."

"It was my mother's lamp and you broke it!"

"Oh come on!" Kat yelped, causing them to both jump and look at her "I don't have time for this and neither do you two." She sighed heavily "Meredith, you've got to open up and talk to Derek about how you feel. You're doing the same thing in not trusting him with your feelings that he's done to you. So you're only digging a deeper hole here." She looked at Derek "And you've got to let her have a little breathing room, you've got to trust her from now on and not shut down. If you need help rely on her....agreed?"

They both nodded.

"Now... I want you two to go on a date. And try to be a little intimate with each other. I know it might be comfortable but the longer you push each other away the harder it will be to get back to what you both say you want back." She sighed "Now get out of my office."

They both sighed and stood up off the couch, grabbing their things. Derek held the door open for her as they walked out of the office and into the hallway.

"Damn she seemed bitchy today."

"Seriously, off of her meds or something." She giggled, Derek laughed and their eyes found each others. Both searching the others for some kind of sign of emotion "I'm sorry I haven't opened up very much."

"It's ok." He nodded "You're scared. I hurt you and you don't want to be hurt again."

"Yes." She said "But you can't take the whole blame, I could be a little easier on you."

"Well maybe this date will help soften the both of us up."

"Maybe." She smiled softly, Derek smiled and nodded as he turned to walk down the hall but she caught his arm "Derek wait." He stopped and turned "I have a sonogram in half an hour."

"Oh." He mumbled and glanced at her growing belly. They'd been so busy with getting everything back to their life together that neither had really discussed the baby much "Would you like to come?"

A smile spread across his face and his eyes lit up "Of course I do."

She smiled and slowly extended her hand for his to take. "Lets go."

Things are getting better?
Hopefully it'll last...😏

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