Tedros x Reader

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Note: Y/N is your name. This book does not have Agatha or Sophie in it and I changed the characters a bit (i think)

Word Count: 1210


2nd person perspective

You woke up. It had been a few days since you had been dropped into the crystal clear lake after someone kidnapped you from Gavaldon. You had made friends fast with Beatrix, Reena and Millicent who were in your dorm. Beatrix even told you who her crush was. She said it was Prince Tedros of Camelot. 

You quickly and quietly took a bath in the Groom Room and then headed off to explore the School for Good. You hadn't woken the other people in your dorm because you wanted some time to yourself. 

You walked through the hall, hoping to be alone. But you weren't. Two boys were walking in the opposite direction, chatting away. You tightened your ponytail and quickly walked past the two boys. As you walked past though, a smell wafted up your nose. A nice smell. A minty smell. You glanced back at the boys and jumped out of your skin. One of the boys were gazing at you with his ocean blue eyes. When your eyes met, you both turned as red as a tomato. Meanwhile, his friend was urging him to keep walking. But the boy with the blue eyes ignored him. At last he snapped out of his gaze and so did you, bringing you back to reality. 

The boy was certainly handsome, you think. He had blonde hair, ice blue eyes and he had a tan. His friend was too. He had big grey eyes and thick, dark brown hair. 

As soon as you turned the corner, you ran off, squealing in delight.

You had found someone. And soon they would find you.


The next day you did the same thing. You got up, had a bath in the Groom Room and headed off to the hall. And once again, you weren't alone. But this time, there was no one else with the blonde boy that was looking at you earlier. You stood next to him, admiring the paintings on the wall.

The paintings are really good, you thought. But even after reading almost all the fairytales in Gavaldon, you hadn't seen any of these. Maybe they never happened? Or maybe this was the future...

"Hi, I'm not sure we've met. I'm Tedros," said a voice.

You whirled around and realized it was the boy you were standing next to you.

"Oh. I'm Y/N," you said, not knowing what to say.

"Nice to meet you," said Tedros, turning to leave.

"Um. What exactly happened yesterday?" you ask.

"Oh. Uh. It might sound weird, but I like you. Even though I don't even know you," Tedros explained.

You were about to answer when someone interrupted your conversation.

"Oh. Hi Teddy. Hi Y/N," said Beatrix.

"Hi," you say.

"May I have a private conversation with Teddy?" Beatrix asked.

"Sure," you say.

But as you left the hall, you realized you weren't alone. Reena and Millicent were hiding behind a statue.

"What are you doing here?" you ask, walking back towards your dorm.

"We are so excited for you. Tedros likes you!" exclaimed Millicent.

"You were here the whole time?" you ask, quite surprised.

"Yeah. When you left our dorm yesterday, we woke up and found that you weren't there. Then today we decided to wake up earlier to see what you were doing," said Reena.

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