Aric x Reader

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I would like to credit LucyGray19
for giving me ideas for the plot. So please follow her because she is amazing.

Note: Y/N is your name. I skipped the 2nd book otherwise the story would be too long. So basically it is like the 2nd book didn't exist (that's A World Without Princes). 


You were walking through the dense forest. It was night time and you needed some food. Hung around your shoulder, was a bow and some arrows.

You heard a rustling sound. You whirled around, just to see a small sparrow land in a tree. You looked up at the tree and it gave you an idea...

In a matter of seconds, you were up in the tree, using it as your new hunting hiding spot. A few minutes later you heard something running nearby on the autumn leaves. You looked down and saw a bear. You quickly took a arrow and placed it in the bow and aimed it at the bear. Then you released the string and the arrow flew to the bear, piercing it on the side of its body. The bear flailed in pain. You aimed at the bear once more, and the it fell down dead. You carefully jumped out of the tree and went to inspect the bear. But when you got there you weren't alone. On the other side of the bear was a boy. He looked about your age. He had violet eyes and spiky hair.

"Hi," you said.

"Thanks," said the boy.

"For what?" you asked.

"For saving my life."


The boy didn't answer.

"Do you want to camp with me? I am staying here for the night," you offered.

"Ok," he said.

In ten minutes you were all ready for the night. You and the boy had dragged the bear over to a big patch of autumn leaves and then collected sticks to make a fire. You made a tent with some extra clothes you had.

Sitting around the fire, you cooked the bear you caught.

"So, what's your name?" you asked the boy.

"Aric," he said, violet eyes glowing.

"What are you here for? No one comes here because they're scared of the bears and wolves. You must be here for a reason," you said.

Aric sighed. "I got banished from Foxwood. I was in Arbed House. I escaped from the guards that were trying to take me further into the forest. They're still looking for me. Why are you here then?"

"You should be fine here. We're on the outskirts of Foxwood. Anyways...I was an orphan. But then I ran away, it was too crowded and and I thought I could live a better life here, but the people working at the orphan are still looking for me," you said.

"How long have you been here for?" asked Aric.

Only until now you realized that he had a dagger on his belt. It was stained with blood. You shivered.

"Oh, I've been here for around 3 weeks, you?" you said, still traumatised by the dagger.

"A day," he said.

You reached out to the fire and peeled off a piece of cooked bear. It wasn't exactly tasting good, but you had to eat something otherwise you would starve.

"Do you carry that dagger with you everywhere?" you asked.

"Everywhere," he said.

When you finished your food, you went to sleep. You slept well, nothing was disturbing you at night.

SGE Charcaters X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now