These are your first steps

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As Leia jumped out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the planet Ahch-To, she was amazed by the stunning beauty of the oceans and mountainous islands. The force was telling her to go to the largest one, what the ancient Jedi of old called Temple Island, so she landed there. As she hopped out of her brother's X-Wing she was entranced by the beauty what was in front of her. She noticed a likely very old staircase carved out of rock which expanded up the side of the mountain. It was slightly foggy and was hard to see what lied atop the peak.

Leia told her droid copilot, R2-D2, to "stay with the ship, astromechs can't climb stairs." Once she ascended to the top a hooded figure was in the distance of the side of the cliff. The princess did not know what Lady Tano looked like, only that she knew Obi-Wan and was expecting her. Ahsoka removed her cloak, revealing herself to be a Togruta, about 15 years her senior. As they came closer to each other, she was the first to speak.

"You must be Leia."

"What's left of her."

"I'm Ahsoka Tano. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi sent me; I see he found you too."

"It was a strange thing; I literally saw a ghost. I don't know what I'm doing here really, I just found out that I'm a Skywalker and now I'm expected to be the savior of the galaxy?"

"I can teach you what I know. It won't be perfect, I'm no Jedi. Not anymore. But I can tell you this, I sense the force within you. As you know by now, it's an energy force made up by every single being, but some of us are sensitive to it and can harness it, for good or for evil. Are you ready to begin your training?"

Leia nods. "I know this is a hard time for you, your highness. Trust only in the force, your brother will come home. No one's ever really gone." Ahsoka encouraged Leia.

"Your highness? I haven't heard that one in a while. Call me, Leia. But why me when you are here? Aren't there other Jedi left?"

"I faced Vader once before, he almost killed me. If it weren't for a young Jedi padawan by the name of Ezra Bridger I wouldn't be alive today, but He sacrificed himself in a way and became lost in the unknown regions shortly before the war began. It's a long story and I will tell you it some other time, but I was on my way to join his friends to look for him when Master Kenobi contacted me. Aside from Ezra, I am unsure if any Jedi are left. Ezra's master, Caleb Dume, was killed liberating Lothal from Imperial reign and saving Ezra and their friend's lives. Perhaps eventually I can join a fight, and maybe even with Ezra if I find him, but you are the best chance at bringing your brother back and overthrowing Vader with him."

As they walked into the temple together, Ahsoka handed the longer of her two lightsaber hilts to her new apprentice. "Time for your first lesson, this is my main lightsaber. You will be using this throughout your training until you can build your own." Leia ignited it and was surprised by the color of the blade. "It's white? I have only seen blue or green lightsabers." "Blue and green are the most common colors for a Jedi Knight, but they all have different meaning. Each kyber crystal, which is the same thing used for the Death Star laser, is clear. A force user will bond with it and a color will be assigned to them. My natural color was green, but I faked my death and abandoned that weapon after order 66. These were taken from an inquisitor's lightsaber, they had been crystals of fallen Jedi from the great purge and were bled by Palpatine himself, resulting in a red color. When I defeated the inquisitor, I took those two crystals and healed them, resulting in this white color. But that's not the point here." Ahsoka took out a round object from her satchel. "This is a training droid; it will fire non-lethal blasts towards you, and you will learn how to deflect them." Leia begins. 

At the same time, Han Solo lands on the island. He thought to himself "boy, this place is pretty isolated. Well, I guess I need to find a place to live for a while." He hiked up the extensive staircase and noticed the ancient huts. As he walked closer, he noticed the caretakers and came to introduce himself: "Hey, I'm Han." They ignored him. "Do you know where I can find the temple?" They still ignored him, as they could not understand him. Pointing his finger at them, Han angrily replied: "listen, you old maids I am trying to find a Jedi." As soon as they heard 'Jedi' they pointed in the direction of the temple. "Oh, thanks. Sorry!" He then proceeded into the furthest hut to the right and put his bag down on the stone bed. Thinking this would be acceptable for a little while, and worst-case scenario he'd sleep in the Falcon. He figured Leia was already deep into her first lesson, so he decided to rest for a minute. This is the first time he was able to not have any distractions and he was thinking about how much he missed his best friend, Chewbacca, and Luke. So much had changed so quickly. He wasn't particularly an emotional man, not the kind of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, more often than not he hid his problems with sarcasm and jokes, but he sat there and just cried for a few minutes. He only knew he needed Leia and never wanted to be without her ever again, he decided he was going to propose to her whenever he had the chance. That's what he wanted to talk to her about before they left for Ahch-To, but he didn't think it was the right time to pop-the-question, and rightfully so. He'll wait until another time, but he knew it would be soon. He decided to go up to the Temple and see his love and meet her new master.

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