"I can do any position, sir!"

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"Violet, come on! You're going to be late for your interview!" My older brother Yuta yelled from downstairs

"Give me five more minutes, my bangs aren't cooperating with me!" I hollered back at him while trying to get my annoying bangs to stop flaring upwards, but eventually gave up. I look like a hot mess, minus the hot. I just look like a mess

I sighed walking downstairs grabbing my purse and went to my brothers car.

"Took you that long and you still look like you just rolled out of bed" Yuta taunted starting his car

"It's going to be a bad day, I can feel it" I muttered putting my AirPods in and looked out the window until we pulled up to J&M Inc.

"You got this, kid"
"Thanks Yuta"

J&M Inc. is a multi billion dollar corporation ran by two best friends Mark Lee and Johnny Suh. The company was passed down by Johnny's father who passed four years ago. The two best friends have been in charge since.

"Hello my name is Violet Nakamoto, I'm here to interview for Johnny Suh's new assistant" The older gentleman at the front desk smiled and nodded pointing me in the direction of the entrance after giving me a keycard to get to the 10th floor

"Good luck darling" he said before answering the phone at the desk

After scanning the keycard the door opened revealing a very beautiful entrance and memorial to the founder with photos of him, his son, and his best friend. Walking to the elevator I hit the 10th floor

"Hello I'm here to interview for the assistant position" I handed the man at the desk my resume

"Sorry, but we already filled the position earlier this morning" he handed me back my resume and ignored my presence

I could feel my heart drop into my stomach, why can't I do anything right? I sighed and turned back towards the elevator

Waiting outside for Yuta to come pick me up after giving him the bad news, a beautiful cream colored Rolls Royce pulls into the front spot of the building

"Excuse me ma'am we don't allow loitering" the tall man told me taking his sunglasses off and putting them into his pocket . It was Johnny Suh

"Oh sir I'm very sorry, I came here for an interview" I said standing up fixing my skirt

"Did you get the job?"

I shook my head , "no the man on the 10th floor said they filled the position already"

"What can you do?" He asked

"I can do any position, sir!" I said maybe too enthusiastically handing him my resume

"I like her Johnny, I can use another assistant" an all too familiar voice behind me said startling me

"Mark you can't just sneak up on people like that" he scolded making the younger chuckle

"If you're interested Ms. Nakamoto, you can start tomorrow afternoon at 4pm" Johnny responded walking away into the building

"Can't wait to see what positions you can do" Mark whispered standing close to me sending chills down my spine reminding me of what we once were

"I didn't mean it like that!" I responded my cheeks rose red

"See you tomorrow, I work on the 9th floor, last door" he said smirking at me

"See you tomorrow, I work on the 9th floor, last door" he said smirking at me

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My Boss [MARK LEE]Where stories live. Discover now