"A lot can happen in an hour"

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"Have a good day at work, kid" Yuta said dropping me off in-front of the building

Walking in I smiled at the same old man from yesterday who seemed surprised to see me, but still smiled back

After making small talk with the guy in the elevator who's name was Haechan and worked on the eighth floor I said goodbye

I can do this I can do this I can do this I can't do this

"You actually showed up" Mark replied looking up from his paperwork

"Why wouldn't I? I said I would didn't I?"

"No need to be a smartass"

"Who said I was being a smartass? I can't respond back?"

An unfamiliar voice interrupted us, "stop already you children"

"Is the conference room prepared for the meeting, Taeyong?"

"Yes sir, the meeting will begin in an hour" he said exiting the room

"That's Taeyong, he's over the models on floor eight" I nodded my head

"So tell my about yourself, Violet? Is it?"

What do you mean, you don't remember me?

"I just graduated college from studying abroad in America, I play video games, and my dog and brother are my best friends" he knows this already, why is he acting like he doesn't?

"You seem like you have no life, which is good because you need to answer your cellphone whenever Johnny and I call you"

That's not rude at all

"So are you going to stand there or take a seat next to me, so we can review the PowerPoint for todays meeting?"

I quickly sat next to him, knees touching. I could've sworn he look down and scooted closer

"Are you even listening? Because if you can't do this job anyone on the streets can!"

"Sorry sir, I was just distracted" mumbling I turned my head towards his MacBook

Great he's an asshole now and he doesn't even remember me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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