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"Y/N! Come qwuick!" A young boy with bed hair shouted to a little girl, sitting on a swing.

"Coming Kuroo!" Y/N shouted back as she hopped off and ran to Kuroo. Standing next to him, was a boy with neck length black hair, they stood at a tree on a small hill.

"What is it?" Y/N questioned. "Me and Kenma found a cat stuck in a tree" Kuroo said as he pointed up at the cat, which meowed at him.

"We need to hwelp it" Kenma tagged in.

The three of them stood on top of each other, Kuroo was on the bottom, then stood Y/N, and Kenma on top, Kenma was trying to reach for the cat, but his short chubby arms couldn't reach the it. It hissed at him.

Kenma kept trying to reach for it, but he started toppling back, causing the three to tumble over and roll down the hill, Kenma fell to the base of the tree, the other two tumbled down the hill. The cat slipped and was now falling, Kenma quickly got up and ran to the cat before it fell to the ground, Kenma caught the cat before it even touched the ground, he almost broke his hand because of how heavy the cat was for him.

Y/N was now on top of Kuroo. Y/N and Kuroo looked at each other, Y/N blushed before quickly getting off. "Gomen" Y/N apologised.


Later the three were eating their lunches on the one of the many benches in the park, when three big kids stood in front of them.

"We'll be taking that" The middle and scariest one said as they grabbed their lunches,Y/N was about to do something before she got picked up by the shirt by one of the bullies, Kenma was about to help but instead got picked up by the back by the other, Kuroo was the only one, who was standing and shaking.

"Aw look here guys, this one is a scaredy cat" The what seemed like their "leader" laughed. They kept laughing at Kuroo.

Kuroo looked at Y/N and Kenma, who were struggling to get out of their grip. Kuroo's hand turned into a fist and out of nowhere hit the bully.

"Stay away from us! Leave mwe and my fwiends alone!" Kuroo shouted. To his surprise, the bullies were shivering with fear, the two others dropped Y/N and Kenma, who fell to the concrete ground.

The bullies backed away, staring at Kuroo with fear before dropping their lunchs, and running off.

Kenma was making sure Y/N was ok while Kuroo just took in what happened. "Y/N! Are you ok?" Kuroo said as he kneeled down next to Y/N.

"Yeah, I'm ok" Y/N said as she sat up and smiled.

Later, it was almost time to go home, the three were just sitting in the playground, Kenma later got up and went to do something on his own, so it was just Kuroo and Y/N that were sitting together.

"Y/N can I tell you something?"

"Sure Kuroo"

"No matter what, you'll always be my best friend, along with Kenma, but your my bestest friend, I promise. Don't tell Kenma that though" Kuroo said

Y/N smiled at his words. "Thank you Kuroo" Y/N said. She gave Kuroo a peck on the cheek.

Kuroo blushed.

Y/N then realised what she did.

"Uh.. Gomen" Y/N apologised, blushing

"Uh it's.. ok" Kuroo said back as he looked away still blushing.

Later, their mums came. "Hey kids" Y/N's Mum shouted.

Kenma and his mum already left, so it was just Y/N and Kuroo's Mum talking to each other while Y/N and Kuroo played and laughed. Y/N gave Kuroo that stare of hers. It was like a predator, a very beautiful one, eyes locked on their prey, Kuroo loved that stare of hers. "Kuroo, time to go home honey" Kuroo's Mum said. "Come on Y/N, let's go home" Y/N's Mum said. "Coming mum!" Kuroo said as she got up and ran, followed by Y/N. "Bye Y/N" Kuroo said. "Bye Kuroo " Y/N said back as they went there seperate ways, they lived nearby the park so it was a short walk from the park to both theirs houses, which were a few blocks away, it was a little far, but still sort of close.

They were good times

But until middle school

*In middle school*

"Hey! Kuroo!" Y/N said as she ran to Kuroo.

Kuroo didn't notice.


"Oh, hey Y/N" Kuroo said blankly.

"Hey, I was wondering, do you want to walk home together?" Y/N asked.

"Hm, well-"


They looked at where the voice came from.

"Do you want to walk home" a popular boy from class shouted as he waved to Kuroo.

"Sure, wait up!" Kuroo shouted back.

"Sorry Y/N I'm walking with them, see you tomorrow though, bye" Kuroo said as he ran.

Y/N sighed.

"I will walk with you" Kenma said as he catched up but was focusing on his game.

"Thanks Kenma" Y/N smiled as they started walking home.

I wish  the good times lasted longer

I really missed them

We smiled and laughed and enjoyed each other's company

I want those times back.

A/N: Hiiiiiiii, hope you enjoyed this, chapter one will come out soon.
Byeeeeeeeeeee <3


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