I want to tell ya' somethin'

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A voice echoed in Grace's ear...
"JIMIN!?", Grace shouted...
"Yepp, tell me...shall I come out!?", said Jimin...
"WHERE. ARE. YOU!?", Grace shouted firmly...
"I am here, watching you for the last 17 minutes 43 seconds 9 nono-seconds", Jimin said...

"Don't tryna act over smart, kay!?"

"Well I certainly am not acting, I am darlin'...I am really smart~"


"Don't ya' think I am smart!?"

"Well, at a point...yes you really are!"

You always need to analyze everything while judging anyone from BTS and army"

"Well, you certainly are makin' a joke out of me-
I mean that you didn't meet when I came- and now are teasing me with the help of these bloody speakers!"

"No, I am not doing that...ask the one who invented them"

Whosoever it is, must be more humble than you-"

Look out for yourself~"


There was a lot of light on the beach already...candles and beach view was the best combination!
And then suddenly-

The small lights turned off-
It turned dark in a split seconds~

Grace's P.O.V.

The voice stopped-
Suddenly all the lights were blown off and fcuk-
Someone got the hold of my waist-
More like a SUPRISE hug-
And before I could help...the word slipped my lips, "JIMIN-"

"Yeah darling~
Well certainly I will never toy your heart-
But always toy you, ops-
I mean, toy as in tease you"

"Ah Jimin, you never fail to make me smile yea!?", a smile played on Grace's lips...

"NEVER! When did we meet like-
Three times exactly!! And you already are so flattered...see I told you, I am good at-", before Jimin could complete...Grace interrupted

"Well a fan gal stares at you all day- and you make her smile so stfu-", Grace regretted the way she made herself sound so wierd-

Sorry, I didn't take it from THAT point of view"

"Hmm...makes sense, cause you anyhow can't be a fan gal", Grace giggled...

"Why!?", Jimin raised one of his eye brows...

"Cause you're a boy silly~", Grace laughed...

"What are- are you cryin' or laughin'!?", Jimin seemed genuinely confused...


"You mean the EASY teachers say the paper is!?"

You're so so so so soooo cute" ♡

"Yeah well-
Tell me something idk", Jimin smirked

Yeah so ydk that I love you with no extends!!"

You were not supposed to take that so serious!"

"I know, you know like just for fun"

"Hey my lady~
Would you like to get in!"

"What if I dont.", Grace tried to play hard to get...

"Well then~", Jimin picked Grace up❤

"JIMIN, take me off-
Jimin-", Grace shouted...

"Not till we reach there!", Jimin shouted for Grace to hear...


"I can't hear you so shut up and lemme take you there!", Jimin smirked... [P.S. - and we all know tht his smirk is to die for♡]

"I need to tell ya' something!", Grace shouted...but not enough for Jimin to hear...

Stay tuned folks✌🏻

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