•♡•Clock ain't moving today•♡•

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5:57 am, the second date day❤

Grace is at her place-
Jimin is at his own place-

Grace's P.O.V.

I woke up so early today, or lemme be honest...I did toss and turn in my bed all night long-
I most probably fell asleep around 3:50 am~

I. CAN'T. FREAKIN'. BELIEVE. IT. JIMIN the love of my life is goin' on a second date w/ me-

He actually wanted to take things slow-
He already had a thought of taking me out for the second time-
He fell for me~ when we met at the fan meet-

This. Life. Has. Become. Roller. Coaster. Just. In. Air.

Oh no-
Shit! I have to message Al to inform boss that I won't be coming to work today~

Grace messages Alice quickly as she strikes the thought-

"Done-", Grace said to herself...

The clock ain't moving~", Grace muttered it under her breathe...

Stay tuned folks✌🏻💜

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