Gilderoy Lockhart- Order of Merlin, Third class

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"Ugh, we got potions first", Fred said while he almost drowned his class schedule in his bowl of oatmeal. "And DADA after", I sighed. "DADA isn't that bad", Angelina said. "No, but the teachers are."

"What, don't you like the 'Well-known Gilderoy Lockhart'?", Lee asked, raising an eyebrow. "He's weird", I answered. Lee smiled. "He's at least better than Quirrel". "I hope so," I said back while taking a bite of my toast.

After breakfast, we made our way to the dungeons, where a grouchy Snape was waiting us up. He looked exactly the same as last year. Like always. (A/N haha)

I took a seat next to Angelina, George and Lee before us and Fred in the back. It felt like we sat there for hours, listening to Snape talking about Wiggenweld Potion, what we already learned last year. After a tiresome hour, Snape was finally done and we quickly packed our things and made our way to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. There we took a seat and talked about what we did during summer break.

After a while, Professor Lockhart came in, wearing his disgusting lilac robes, and smiling widely. I heard some people giggling in the background, and two of them let out a silent cry when Lockhart smiled at them.

"Hello class, and welcome back to Defence Against the Dark Arts. I don't think I need to introduce myself, but I will do anyway. My name is Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, as many of you might know, and you are probably incredibly honoured to have me as your teacher for this year". I looked at Lee, who looked back and threw his hand on his mouth, acting like he had to vomit. I tried to hold my laugh, but after Lee searched for his bag and was pretending like he was puking in it, I chuckled.

Lockhart saw me laughing and made his way to my table.

"And what might your name be, mademoiselle?", he asked. I heard George, Fred and Lee laughing in the background. "Y/n y/l/n", I said back, still holding my laugh. "Ah, that's a lovely name, almost as lovely as mine", he said back. I bit my lip, trying to not burst out laughing.

"And what is your favourite book about me?", he asked, showing his blinding teeth again. "Uh- I really liked the third one", I said back trying to sound confident. "Do you mean Break with a Banshee? Good choice, good choice", he said back nodding.

"My personal favourite is Magical Me; my marvellous biography. It's five galleons, for those who are interested", he said while smiling at the people that were giggling earlier. "And which book from me do you like the most, young man?", he asked George. "Uhm- same as y/n", he said.

"Aha, and- what about you?", he asked a girl that was sitting in the back of the classroom. "Oh, I love them all, Professor! But I think 'Year with the Yeti' is really fascinating". Lockhart smiled.

"A real fan! How charming! Would any of you like a signature?" A few people enthusiastically threw their hands in the air. "Oh, you're making me blush! But let's do that after class, shall we? Let us begin with the lesson, we don't want an angry headmaster, do we?", he said chuckling, and some people laughed. Suddenly I also had a strong urge to throw up.

"For today's lesson, we will be learning about Imps. Yes, they might look like cute, little creatures, but they're absolutely not. Let me show them-" Lockhart grabbed a cage with a bunch of little, bald creatures; they kinda looked like Pixies, but then grey, with glowing yellow eyes.

"They are very mischievous. But don't worry; I'm here to protect you", he said while he smiled widely, showing his teeth again.

"Let's get them out of this cage, so you can see them better", he said while opening it. He picked one by his feet; the Imp started to kick and he made a hissing sound.

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