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We all pile into Alex's little truck. I am sandwiched in the middle. I can smell sweaty men and it stinks.
"Did any of you put on deodorant?"
They both laugh.
We pull into me and Alex's place, West Main pizza.
"Hey guys. Usual?" says Margo, our usual server.
"Yeah thanks Margo." I say.
We sit in a booth, me and Jack on one side and Alex on the other. Margo places a pepperoni pizza on the table.
"Enjoy kids."
We devour the pizza.
"I'm stuffed." I say. I lean on Jack's shoulder.
"Me too." Jack says and leans back.
"Make that three." Alex says.
Jack and I go outside while Alex pays the bill. Snow lightly falls.
"It's beautiful isn't it? The snow." He says.
"Yeah. It is. You like the snow?"
"Yeah. I love winter! Especially white ones. I can't stand tropical winters."
"You know what's funny?"
"The first snow of winter came the same day as you."
"It did didn't it?"
"Yeah" I stick my tongue out. Snow falls into it.
"Hey, would you like to do the group project together?" He asks.
"On what?"
"How about winter?"
We smile. His teeth are pearly white. Alex walks out.
"More snow. We can't seem to get enough of it can we." Alex says.
Jack and I smile.

White Winter {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now