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The question rang throughout the room, meeting silver-infused walls with a slight echo which reflected back to books piled high on the floor, windows slightly shaking at the force of the words. Gloved hands hit the worn wooden table, leather protesting as fingers dragged across the surface in unconcealed disgust, the snarl of their owner dripping in repulsion.

However, the orange-haired man sat behind said table barely moved an inch, fixating cold eyes on the leather-clad figure before them, gaze piercing and curious as if the question wasn't entirely expected.

"Yes, him. I figured you would be most familiar with this one, given your past circumstan─"

"Shut up," the figure before him shook, their hands finding the edge of the table again. Although their hands no longer shook, the air visibly tensed around their figure, a shadow of fear and sadness lurking within their shaken frame. "Shut up, I don't care what you do, but get his case out of my file. I can take on a lot, hyung, but this one's... I can't do it."

A manicured eyebrow shot up at the sudden confession. "Can't do what? I thought you were the best vamp hunter out there, and you refuse an assignment outright because of what, your fling with this monster two weeks ago?"

For a moment, the air between the two figures seemed to condense, and then crack, the mirrored silence shattering near the edges as black eyes met brown, dark and calculating as the hunter sought out the features of the man in front of them. Their hands came off the table, albeit still clenched into fists, and the hunter spoke once more.

"There is no question that I spent my life trying to kill those monsters, Chan," they hiss, stepping closer to face the other man directly, breath tickling the strands of hair which had fallen from their place in a mini ponytail. "It is my duty to destroy them, no matter what the cost."

A pause. Then, a slow breath being let out.

"...There's no way I can face him again. Not when he knows who I am, not when he sees what I've been doing to others like him. Fuck, we even laughed about how he was going to try and get into the stupid academy my parents own to help me during hunts, isn't that crazy?"

The hunter spits out the last few words as if they burned their tongue, eyes shining in the low light of the room as Chan simply stared at them, gaze still questioning. After a bit, the other turns back to stare at the orange-haired man, gaze flickering between both of Chan's eyes before they let out a scoff.

"I know that look. There's no one else to take him, is there?"

Chan's gaze turns pitiful for a second, and that's all it takes for the hunter to sigh, pushing the long strands of black hair out of their eyes before focusing those eyes back on the other. The lights flicker between them, their shadows dancing on the ancient walls of the safe room as the other sighs, adjusting the straps of his glove before picking up an ornate scabbard from where it had rested on the table, jewelled handle glistening in the light as if tiny beads of blood decorated it.

A candle flickered, wax dripping down as the shadow of the hunter made its way to the iron-cast door. Boots clicking across the hardwood floor, the sound of locks clicking open as the other forced the exit open, a gust of wind making its way into the safe room, pages adorned with weapon blueprints and cross sections of fanged mouths fluttering in the breeze.

A step towards the exit.

"...listen, I can remove him from your list if you're uncomfortable with it."Chan interrupted, eyes reflecting the dancing of candlelight as he stares at the back of the hunter. "It's a lot to force on you today, and I understand if you two still have... unresolved issues. I can put him on hold, wait for another hunter to tackle him; I can─"

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