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Written with: Hunter-queen88

This is going to switch between past tense and present tense due to both of us are used to writing in different ones 😅 hope you enjoy!! Also name the six pups.

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Harry keeps his head down as he rushes to his locker, hoping to get to his car in time to avoid the crowd, as well as a tall blonde that seemed to enjoy terrorizing him whenever he got into trouble. The black haired boy opens his locker and crams his chemistry and calculus books inside, quickly shutting his locker he rushes towards the door, until he is stopped by the principal.

"Mr. Potter, just the person I wanted to see." He says, "please come to my office for a moment."


"Now, Mr. Potter, come along boys." He says, looking at Harry and then into the principal's office. The one person Harry was hoping to avoid was standing in front of him, glaring at him.

Harry looks at Draco and then looks away. He could not believe that he was in here in the principal's office. Harry sat down next to Draco.  Draco glares at him and crosses his arms.

"Alright, Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy has fallen far behind in his classes, and you have been chosen to become his tutor. We cant lose our star football and basketball player and our school top sponsor that gives us a lot of money"

"But sir-"

“I don't care, Potter. You are our top student in your class and our school. You're taking college already and you are a sophomore in High school,” said Dr. Snape who was the principal.

"I can't teach someone who doesn't have a brain." Harry snaps.

“At least I have a brain for sports and not my head in books,” Draco snaps.

"Yes because that is what you need to be successful. Wait you're just going to use your father's name to scare people into giving you what you want."

“At least my father is alive and takes care of me, you brain head. At least I have a life outside of school and dose not study all the time,” Draco said looking at Harry with a smirk.

Harry's eyes gloss over with tears. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He snaps and punches Draco square in the nose and storms out of the office.

“Dammit, Draco. You know this was your last shot. You better stop this act of being the tough guy that as the money for everything. You know your father wants you to get a education,” Dr. Snape said looking at Draco with a piss off look. He need to get Harry again but Harry did not want everyone knowing that I was his step father.

"Maybe you should have chosen someone that has more worth." Draco says.

"No, you're coming with me and we are going to figure something out." He says getting up.

“No, he is just a fatherless freak who is too smart for his own good. I heard his dad was from a rich family but gave it up to be a dumb cop. Who would do that,” Draco said.

"As much as I'd hate to admit it, James Potter was a brave man, and without him, you'd be an orphan right now, Draco."

“Why do you care so much about him? I bring you more money then he dose,” Draco said getting up and looking at Snape.

"You know I don't care about money." He says. "Now lets go before he leaves."

“No, Im leaving,” Draco said leaving the room.

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