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Written with: Hunter-queen88
The editing isn't great on this one I may come back later to do more bit idk. Name the cats for me.

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Harry puts his backpack in his locker with his wallet and keys. He starts to shut his locker as someone grabs his hood and pulls him back.

“I see you're helping me now nerd,” Draco said, pulling him to his chest. Draco could smell his hair and it smelt good and nice. He loved the smell of Harry's hair. 

"Please let me go." He says pushing his chest.

“Fine nerd,” Draco said. “Come to my house at 6pm and we are doing math since I hate that the most,”

"Oka-" Harry starts then is cut off as Draco punches him in the face.

"That's for yesterday." Draco says and pushes him to the ground. Draco really did not want to do that but he has a figure to keep up. 

Harry gets his stuff and goes to Severus' office. "Dad…" he says, holding his most likely broken nose. 

“Please do not tell me he did this to you,” Severus said, going to Harry. 

"Can I go to the hospital?" He asks softly.

“Did he do anything else to you?”

"No. Dad, it hurts…" Harry sniffles a bit.

“Ok baby. Let me see it,” Severus said. Harry whines as Severus moves his hand, showing all the blood all over his face and hand. “Oh my god. Its broken and badly at it. We are leaving now,” 

Severus got Harry into his car and went to the ER. He also called Lucius telling him what Draco did to Harry. He did not know what was going to happen anymore. Harry squeezes Severus' hand hard as the doctor works to reset his nose, in an extreme amount of pain.

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Lucius enters the school, extremely pissed off. "I need to speak with my son for a moment please." He says to the secretary.

“Of course Mr. Malfoy,” She said and then called Draco class room so he can come down here. 

“Also do you have a empty room, I can have so I can talk to him please,” Lucius said looking at the secretary.

"Of course, I'll show you once he arrives." She says kindly and goes back to her paperwork while they wait.

Draco came down to the front of the school. He did not know why his father was here. Most of the time his father was busy with work and with Severus' family to care about him. That's how he felt most of the time. He did not like Harry and how easy school is for him. 

Lucius doesn't speak until they are led to the room, well besides a thank you to the secretary. He turns to his son as the door shuts. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

“What are you talking about father?” Draco asked thinking he knows what this is about

"A boy is in the hospital because of you! What is your fucking problem?!" Lucius yells as Draco pales. 

“Why is Potter in the hospital?” Draco asked. 

"That's what happens when someone has their nose severely broken!"

“He punched me and so I got even. Plus he a baby anyway. He should know how to fight,” 

"He's a nice boy who shouldn't have to fight." Lucius snaps. "If he punched you he probably had a reason to."

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