Chapter 6

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Harry lay still on the bed as he was still running his hand softly through Zayn's hair. His sobs had turned to soft breaths a while ago and he was sure that Zayn was now in a deep sleep. He hated to leave him, he wanted nothing more than to let him stay in his arms but after the conversation they had, he need to get some air and get out his frustrations. His emotions were in over drive and the last thing he wanted was Zayn to see how this was affecting him.

He softly moved out from underneath Zayn, carefully laying him on the pillow and pulling the blanket up over him, tucking him in. He prayed his dreams were as peaceful as his face looked. After what Harry learned he had been through, he deserved peace.

Liam, Louis, and Niall were standing at the kitchen counter talking softly, "I really hope everything is okay," Louis said gesturing to the upstairs, "Harry's been up there for a while."

"I'm going to take that as a good thing. They must be talking and if anyone can get Zayn to open up, it's Harry," Liam responded.

Almost as if on cue, they heard footsteps traveling down the stairs. Harry emerged slowly as the other three boys watched him closely. He didn't meet any of their eyes as he came to the landing and stumbled into the kitchen.

"Harry?" Liam asked nervously.

Harry, whose brain was running 10 miles a minutes, finally looked up. He was sure his face showed all the emotions that he had swirling in his mind. This whole situation made him feel out of control. He hated not being in control.

"How's Zayn?" Louis asked.

Harry opened his mouth and a pained sound escaped him. Liam's eyed filled with worry and Harry quickly cleared his throat, "He's sleeping. He cried himself to sleep."

After a moment, Liam spoke, "So you got him to open up and let it out?"

The phrase, 'open up and let it out' got under Harry's skin and he brought his eyes to Liam's face. He stared at him hard. Opening up, letting it out, was that supposed to be a good thing? Because, he saw how destroyed Zayn was. He saw what damage that had really been done. He wanted to scream and yell and tell them all to let him be, just let Zayn be. But, he wanted to fold himself into a ball and cry for days as he let the guilt and disgusted take over his body. Yet, he stood unmoved like a statue too many emotions at once to feel any at all.

"Harry?" Niall's gentle voice said, "Did he talk to you?"

His eyes moved from Liam to Niall and a switch flipped. With Zayn's complete melt down, Harry had pushed the information about Niall to the back of his mind. Looking at him now, it all came rushing back.

He moved quicker than even he expected and all but ran to Niall. He was standing nearly on top of the blonde, "Niall," he said his voice sounding desperate, "I need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me the truth. Did he hurt? Did Barry ever do anything to you?!"

Niall instinctively pulled back, thrown way off by Harry's out of character actions, "What?!?! No!"

Harry's hands reached forward and gripped Niall's biceps, trying to pull him closer, "You have to tell me Niall if he did! Tell me you're not lying!" he wasn't even realizing he was shaking Niall, emphasizing his words.

Niall's face was contorting into confusion and fear, "Harry, I'm not lying, STOP!" He yelled but Harry was too far gone to hear him.

He turned his scared eyes towards his two shocked friends, silently pleading with them for help. "Harry!" Louis began yelling, reaching across and yanking on his arm, "Stop it!"

Harry was too wrapped in his thoughts. He just kept thinking over and over, 'What would he do if another one of his friends was hurt and he didn't stop it? How would he live with himself if he broke his promise to Zayn to protect Niall?'

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