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"Danny hey" I ordered a drink for Danny and I .
"hey you ive you around here" We talked for a while and we went to dance. I knew I couldn't get drunk but acting like it had to do . I began dancing with this guy. I let the music control me tonight. I knew that this what I had been missing in my life.

"You really don't remember anything" Lydia was back , after finally being found on the woods and taking days off. She seemed fine .
"Honestly I don't care ,I lost ten pounds"
"Well you look amazing Lydia" she was laughing and smiling ,it's what I liked seeing from her
"Are you ready for this?" Allison asked her as we were getting ready to head inside
"Please is not like my aunts a serial killer"
"Lydia" She flipped her hair and opened the doors .I gave Allison an apologetic look. Before following Lydia. As we enter everyone was staring at her
"Maybe is the nine pounds" I laughed since Lydia mention ten . She kept  walking with a her head held high.
"I seriously don't understand how either of you survive without  me sometimes" I was currently at practice watching scott and stiles. Scott told me that there is a chance their a new werewolf in the team . Scott had a plan , to sniff everyone
"Mccall usually the goalie stays in the goal"
"Yes coach " Scott didn't listen since he knocked another guy down
"Mccall the position is goal keeper not goal abandoner"
"Sorry coach " Scott had to figure a new plan , coach is going to kill him.
"Stilinski what the is wrong with your friend?" I heard coach asked Stiles
"He is failing two classes, he is socially awkward. And if you look close enough this jawline is uneven "
"That's interesting" I tried not to laugh since I was the only one that could hear that conversation from far away.
"Mccall you come out of that one goal one more time , you'll be doing suicide runs til you die. It will be the first ever suicide runs actually ends in a suicide , got it?!"
" Yes coach" Jason  ended up sitting down before it was his turn. I saw as a player dropped Scott to the ground .I got up once I noticed him , his eyes were changing color  . I saw as sheriff was walking towards Isaac
"Don't tell him , please don't tell him" I heard him say Scott.
"His father is dead .I think he was murdered" Scott was hearing sheriff's conversation with Isaac.
"What are they saying ? He  is as suspect?"
"I'm not sure ,why?"
"Because they can lock him in a cell for 24 hours"
"That's not good" Issac is a werewolf ,a new one meaning his first full moon is not going to be pleasant.
"During the full moon"
"These holding cells can hold people though.
People good, werewolf probably not that good" This is a huge problem then ,not only can he expose us but he can kill others. If he can't control it .
"Stiles remember I said I didn't have the urge to kill"
"He does " Isaac turned around and I locked eyes with him. Ive him around he is usually a quiet guy. I headed back to class. I saw that Scott and Stiles were sitting outside the principal office . I sat down next to them . They  were listening to Jackson's and sheriffs conversation
"Did you knew isaac's father was hitting him?"
"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him"
"Did you ever say anything to anyone?  A teacher ,parents anyone?"
"It isn't my problem"
"No of course not it's funny how the kids getting beaten up are the ones that least deserve it" I felt like sheriff was trying to say something about Jackson
"Yeah ,wait what?" I laughed a bit
"I think we are done here" The door open and sheriff walked out , Stiles grabbed  random magazine and tried to cover his face but failed
"HiScott, Belle " He walked away in annoyance .
"Boys,and Annabelle come on in" I should have left before I had to head into the principal's office . Especially since the new principal was Gerad . I didn't even get in trouble but I still had to go inside . My teacher is going to wonder why I havent return from the restroom
Annabelle Mccall, perfect grades. Perfect ACT and SAT scores , their the highest I've ever seen. By the looks of if you are an exceptional student" I smiled, well faked it.Every time I see him I kept picturing him cutting the omega in half.
"Scott Mccalla academically not the most accomplish but I see you have become quite the star athlete. Mr. Stilinski perfect grades but little to no extra curriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse" I smiled and looked at Stiles
"Yeah Stiles you should"
"Well actually I am..." He was cut off by Gerard
"Mccall, you're the scott that was dating my granddaughter , Belle  your one her friends right?"
"Yes sir" I gave my most innocent smile and looked at Scott waiting for him to response
"Well we were dating but not anymore . Not seeing each other  , not doing anything with each other . I ..." Scott was freaking out , you can tell when he starts not making sense in a conversation
"Relax Scott"
"A bad breakup"
"That's too bad you look like a good kid to me now listen guys I am the principle but really don't want you to think of me like a enemy" Well that's a little too late for that
"Is that so" I pinched Stiles without Gerald noticing
"However this being my first day and I need to support my teachers so well unfortunately someone has to take the fall and stay behind for detention " I don't even know why these two idiots were sent to the principles In the first place and yet i'm stuck here. Scott and I looked at Stiles . Scott and I headed out and saw that they were taking Isaac .We  looked at him as he left behind the sheriff car .
"Get in" Derek appeared in his car .
"Are you serious? You did that. That is your fault"
"Do you really expect us to take time out of day and help you?" I asked Derek and he took his sunglasses off.
"No but I know that that's my responsibility but get in the car, both of you and help me"
"I have a better idea .I'm going to call a lawyer because a lawyer has an actual chance lt get him out before the moon comes out"
"Not when they do a real search on the house"
"What do you mean Derek?" What does he mean the house if his father wasn't even killed in their house
"Whatever Jackson said to the cops ,what in the house is worst a lot worst " Derek opened the door for us
"I'll take my own car"I got my keys out and headed to my car . I followed them to isaac's house .
"If isaac didn't kill his father then who did ?" Scott had a flashlight as we were walking to the house
"I don't know yet"
"Well how do you know he is telling the truth"
"Because I trust my sense and it's a combination of them not just your sense of smell"
"You saw me at lacrosse today?" Scott tasked him and I looked at Derek and he nodded
"Did it look that bad?"
"Scott ,brother you looked like a fucking dog" He did and it was weird in many ways . Derek opened the door to the basement
"You want to learn start now" scott and I headed down first
"What is down there?"
"What are we looking for?"
"Follow your senses" We began looking around the basement
"What happened down here?" Everything looked so messed up and I have a bad feeling about it .
"The kind of thing that leaves an impression?" We came across what semed like a cooler. Scott opened it. We looked at it and there was blood and claw marks . I had  an idea what happened here and it was horrible.
"Is this why he said yes to you?"
"Everyone wants power"
"You make sound like power is the only necessary thing in life" He gave me a smirk and I really didn't understand him .
"If we help you then you have to stop you can't just go around turn people into werewolves."
"I can if they are willing"
"Did you tell Issac about the argents , about being hunted?"
"I did and he still asked"
"Then he is an idiot"
"You are  the idiot ,dating argents daughter. Yeah I know your little secret and if I know how long do you think's going to take them to find out?"
"This  is fucked up Derek, so fucked up" I was about to walk away but he grabbed ahold of my arm.
"You both saw what happens to an omega. With me you learn how to use all of your sense with me you learn control .Even  on a full moon"

"If i'm with you I lose her"
"Your going to lose her anyway , you know that" He let go of my arm
"Wait , we are not part of your pack but I want him out . He is our responsibility to"
"Why because he is one of us" he asked scott
"Because he is innocent"  I felt my claws coming out. Derek grabbed ahold of my hands ,my breathing was back normal and my claws were gone
"Thanks" I was going to head back down to the basement were Scott was .
"Belle." I turned around
"Power is not all I want"
"Why does seem like it is?"
I" want you , I hate fighting with you , being away from you. I don't want to fight"
"Then you should stop giving us a reason too" I headed downstairs and we waited for Allison. Once she arrived , she brought the chains .
"Please I don't want to hurt you" Allison closed the door on the box where isaac was kept in , they had a moment first .
"He'll be okay" She locked it and we stepped away
"Are you going to be okay here?" She nodded and I headed out to follow stiles and Stiles who were going to break Isaac out of the station. I was at Stiles window as they kept talking about the plan
"The problem is getting past the front desk"
"Ill distract her " Stiles stopped him from getting out
"You're not going in their" Stiles had his hand on Derek still
"Im taking my hand off now"
"I was exonerated " I forgot about the running away from the law . But since Kate was the one to blame Derek was not a person of interest anymore
"You were still a person in interest"
"An innocent person"
"You yeah right. Okay fine what is your plan?"
"Yeah Derek what is it ?" This was going ot be fun
"To distract her"
"How by punching her on the face" i laughed at Stiles expression as he said that
"By taking to her"
"Okay give me a sample of what are you going to open with?"
"You guys are seriously getting into this way too much" There was silence among them
"Dead silence that's should work beautifully any other ideas?"
"I'm thinking about punching you in the face" I wanted to see that right now .Derek headed inside  and began talking
"Sorry I wasn't really expecting someone like..." Derek was smiling at the woman  as Stiles and I walked pass without getting caught
"I was going to say someone incredibly beautiful but yeah that would be the same thing " I rolled my eyes and followed Stiles . We noticed that something was wrong with getting the code. We were walking around until we came across a guy, I could smell blood on him
"Oh shit" He grabbed hold of Stiles tried to stop him but I felt electricity throughout my body . Stiles managed to pull the fire alarm. I managed to get up and saw Isaac grabbing ahold of the guy and throwing him .
"Issac don't" I noticed he was staring at Stiles , he wanted to kill him suddenly Derek growled at him showing him his red colored eyes. Isaac headed to the corner scared out of his mind. I went to his side and wrapped my arms around him . He didn't pull back. I felt like this is what he needed after everything he had been through . I hear Derek growl a bit but I ignored it .
"How did you do that?"
"I am the alpha" We needed to get Isaac out of here .Stiles stayed back in order to explain it to his dad .
"What was that back there ?" Derek asked me as I was getting in my car
"What ?"
"You and  Isaac? Is he another one of your fuck buddies?"
"You're unbelievable" I was going to open the door of my car when he put his hands on it, closing it .
"Tell me "
"No he isn't but you know Derek,this time you gave us a reason" I got in the car and I headed out . I can't believe he is judging me and asking me these ridiculous questions .

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