Chapter 1. Because you're my family!

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Third Person POV.

In the large, dense forest that is the trademark of The Fire Region a silhouette of a blonde can be seen to be going in a very fast rate while jumping tree to tree.

Soon the silhouette had reached the Valley of the End.

"Sasuke!" the blonde had shouted to the ravenette who stands at the otherside of the statue. Now identified as Sasuke.

"Naruto! You'll never beat me! Stop trying I'm far more superior than you! You'll never reach my level!" Sasuke growled out as he made jutsu signs with his hands. Soon a lightning appeared surrounding his hands the sounds of birds chirping can be heard from the jutsu.

"I'll bring you back no matter what! I made a promise to Sakura-chan! And I never break my promises!" The blonde had shouted now known as Naruto. He did his own jutsu as well summoning a clone and making a bright blue of chakra with the help of the clone. Dispelling the clone once it's job was done.

They both ran at each other as fast as they can. Shouting there jutsu names.



But at the last minute Naruto released his jutsu and grabbed Sasuke's arm that had pierced his own chest. Sasuke's eyes had widened in pure shock. Naruto had spat out blood as he gave Sasuke a weak but soft smile as he struggle to stay conscious.

"Sasuke...please...come are...the...closest thing...I" Naruto said weakly. Sasuke blinked in shock and surprise. He hadn't thought the blonde would go so far for him much less risk his own life.

"Why?" Sasuke questions. After all couldn't Naruto just replace him with someone else? Why go so far?

" a brother...and I...can't stand...if you're...gone..." Sasuke suddenly felt the jutsu lifting from him and saw the position he was in.

"Naruto..." Sasuke says feeling the sincerity from the blonde.

"Coming back?" Naruto questions with a faintest grin he can muster but soon coughs out blood.

"I'll go back, Naruto. Come on let's get you to a hospi-" Sasuke couldn't complete his sentence as he faints due to the exhaustion of keeping the jutsu for so long.

"I should get a hospital. You...fainted" Naruto mused quietly as he can feel the Kyuubi's chakra started healing him. He pulled Sasuke's arm out of his chest as he stifles a cry from the intense pain he felt. He then carried the unconscious ravenette.

If Naruto didn't have the Kyuubi's power healing him he would most likely be dead. But thankfully he was stable enough to carry the ravenette. He soon stumbling limps his way back to Konohagakure. The gate of Konoha just a few feet away as he sees a certain pink-haired kunoichi standing there restless as she waited.

"Sa-Sakura-chan..." He tried to call out but it merely came out louder than a whisper. He had gotten weaker and weaker during the walk to Konoha he could barely even walk.

The pink-haired kunoichi Sakura had noticed Naruto and had called out for Lady Tsunade who is a medical specialist and the Hogake of the village. Lady Tsunade had hurriedly went to them.

"Naruto!" Sakura called out to him. She smiled cheerfully before it slowly went away when she noticed Sasuke was unconscious.

"Hurry....and...get" Naruto said to Lady Tsunade.

"We need to get you to the hospital as well. You're bleeding too much." Lady Tsunade says. While tending to Sasuke, worried something might happen to the blonde. However Naruto ignored her words as he then smiled cheerfully at Sakura.

"Told ya, I'd promise...Sakura-chan, I never...go back...on my...word." He said. "'s" But before he could finish his sentence he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as his eyes shot wide open surprised he looked to see Sakura, her fist inches away from him and where he felt the pain in his stomach. He collapsed as he clutched his stomach with his right arm in pain.

"You baka!!!" She cried out.

"I told you to bring Sasuke-kun back ALIVE!! Not almost half dead!" She yelled as the blonde winced in pain.

"You can't get a single thing done!! What more was I expecting from the dead last?! You're exactly what people say you are! A DEMON!! A MONSTER!!" She yelled before Lady Tsunade came rushing towards them.

"Naruto!" Lady Tsunade yelled worriedly.

Naruto tried to speak but as soon as he opened his mouth he began to cough up blood before he screams in pain. Lady Tsunade's eyes widened in fear of losing the blonde.

NO NO No no no. She panicked and hurriedly rushed to the blonde's side. She lifted Naruto's arm a bit before noticing he had a whole in his chest. It must've happened from his battle with Sasuke and the Kyuubi barely managed to heal it before it's chakra went away due to the seal.

Kakashi Hatake, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura's teacher. Came running as soon as he heard Naruto's scream. His eyes widened at what he saw.

"Kakashi, take Naruto to the hospital immediately! I got Sasuke, hurry quick!!" Lady Tsunade ordered and Kakashi wasted no time in grabbing his student before hurriedly jumping off in to the directon of the hospital.

Lady Tsunade picked up Sasuke and noticed he had blood dripping out at the corner of his mouth. She then looked at the ground where Naruto was in pain and sees his blood before turning angrily towards Sakura. Sakura flinched under her glare and looked down in shame.

"I-I didn't know he-" Sakura stammered before Lady Tsunade interrupted her.

"Save it! You're making it harder on the kid than it has to be Sakura!" She said coldly as Sakura stood there, tears welling up her eyes before Tsunade made her way to the hospital.

The Next Day.

Today was a new day. Children were out playing with their friends and families or either training. Blissfully unaware of what had happened.

The villagers were happy that Sasuke Uchiha the last Uchiha was brought back and was hoping for he would make a quick recovery. But they didn't care one bit about the boy who brought him back. Naruto Uzumaki. Those who did seemed to pay attention to the blonde only cursed him for hurting the Uchiha survivor. Except for those who seemed to care for the blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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