Chapter #14; Eye-Lock..

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"So..." Rose and I headed towards the 7th street to work.

"So what?" I repeated.

"So why is Jerome hospitalized at home?" She asked.

"Because... well, it's complicated, actually. There was a problem in the Hospital so the Doctor suggested that he should be hospitalized home." I answered, as we walked down the lane.

"What is the reason that he was... is hospitalized?" She frowned, holding my arm tightly.

"That's the thing which he said to keep private."

"Hmm. What about his parents? Do they know?"

"No they don't. Yet. His father kicked him out. He thought Jerome is gay. Plus, if he is, so what? His father should be open about it." I sighed in frustration, "Anyways. Professor Longfellow called me tonight to a party at his place."

"You know I've been hiding something." I gave her an eye as a cool breeze flew towards us, sending shivers through my body.

"And what's that?" I spoke as we continued our walk.

"Daniela, Mary and Rose didn't actually pay him the money he gave you for tutoring..." I didn't believe it; I gave her a weird look.

Nodding, I ask, "Why?"

"That's the question you should find out tonight." She breathed. "Until then, bye and I love you."

"I... love you too." I spoke slowly, all these things still messing around somewhere in my head.

Kissing, we said bye-bye to each other and went to our respective workshops. And I really didn't know why a part of my brain telling me that I had seen Professor somewhere. Although the other part was thinking about the question Rose asked me to ask him and 'why had the Professor called me home... To a party?' like a Professor doesn't call his students to a party...

And I proved myself wrong. There were no students, when I reached. Only I was the one. There was not even a single person than me. and the house doesn't even look that there is a party tonight. Pushing my thoughts away, I knocked to the door.

"Comin'.." As I heard footsteps and thus the door was opened by not anyone, but him. He looked damn handsome in those t-shirt and blue shaggy jeans. His hair messed making him look younger and his smile send weird things to my body. "Come in."

I, myself, was wearing a black tee and a pair of white pants with sneakers. He gave a look up to down as I entered his house which was shockingly clean. And decorated with old and interesting pieces. Pieces of art and history.

"Oh, they are all replicas." He smiled. Bending down next to my ear he spoke these words which made me confuse. Not in a bad way. In a weird way, yet my brain was telling me that I had seen all of those somewhere. Anyway, the thing he said was: "You look very sexy in those..."


We were at the dinner table and he had told me a lot about his past yet I still haven't said or asked or smiled to him just nodded to all of his past.

He told me about his parents how they had died in a car crash. Then he told me about his ex-wife to whom he gave divorce due to some misunderstanding and told me he had a son, who don't even know that he is his father. This told he lives alone.

"Tell me about you, Liam."

"Well, Professor-" I started.

"Jack. Call me Jack." He smiled. I smiled.

"Well, Jack, I umm... lost my father in a burn. Mom told that the house went down before she knew she was carrying me. Then, she flew back here and I was born and we are both settled now."

His eyes filled with tears, but he held them inside, smiling and nodding. I don't know why but I was ignoring all of the weirdness. The way he looks at me, the way he smiles. The way he tells me about his past. And the way he seems familiar.

"The pasta is very delicious." I looked back down.

"Oh, thanks." He sighed and continued to eat his own dinner.

"Why did you lied tonight was a party here?" Staring at my dinner I asked. Not wanting to look at him.

"Well ummm... I got nervous to ask you out on a dinner." Dinner? With the Professor? That's the time I got a real shock and stare at him. "I'm kidding. I'm not gay. I had a wife. And I've a son. And I still love them both. Plus, this was just a dinner. Because... because..." He looked at me. "because today was the day when I gave her divorce. I needed distraction. And you were the only one that, I thought, could accompany me."

"Umm." I like the way he made me feel comfortable and I liked that he trusts me. "It's Okay, Prof- Jack. You can call me whenever you need me." I felt pity on him.

Maybe because of his ex-wife he had stopped dating. Or perhaps he is in love. I smiled, Love.


"How was it?" Daniela asked we all gathered at the cafeteria for our recess, accompanied by Rose and Mary.

"Actually, it was unexpectedly, weirdly perfect." I frowned and described.

"'Weirdly Perfect'?" Mary asked. I nodded.

"Okay....." Rose continued. "Who else was there at the party?"

"Only... me and him..." I smiled.

Daniela's mouth opened into a perfect O. "So it was a date?"

"In a way, yes, it was. But on the other way, totally a no." I replied.

"What does that mean?" Mary asked.

Biting my sandwich, I replied. "That means that we talk about our future together on a date, instead of discussing past and deaths."

"Deaths?" Daniela frowned. "Okay, I don't wanna talk about it. At first, you made me jealous but now I'm confused. And I think, confusion is way better than jealousy."

"Okay..." I answered.

"Tell me later about... the question I asked you to ask him, if you had asked." Rose drank her juice, eyeing me.

"I haven't..." I bit my lip.

"What are you guys talking about?" Dan asked. We ignored her, continuing to eat our food.

She sighed. "Ask it next time...."

"I will...." I assured.


Votes and Comments are appreciated. If any mistake is caught so please let me know.

- Teenonymous.

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