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Catras POV:

After I left the lovebirds to talk I went to try and find adora. She couldn't have gone far so the first place I checked was her house

"Oh hey catra what's up?" Mara said

"Is adora here?"

"No...I thought she was with u." Mara said
"Is she missing?" Mara asked

"I mean I'll try calling her but she did leave glimmers house" I said

"Well tel em if u hear from her" Mara said

"Ok I will byeee!" I said then she closed the door and I took out my phone and called adora thankfully she answered

"Hey adora"

"Hiii" she said

"Where are u? Ur moms worried" I said

"Oh just tel her I'm at razzes house"


"My grandma" she said then laughed a little

"Ohhh ok I will" I said

"Well I gotta go razz wants me to make a pie with her"

"Kk bye blondie"

"Bye catra" Adora said then I hung up and knocked on Maras door again

"Hey catra did u hear anything?"

"She said she was at razzes house"

"Oh no what's wrong?" Mara asked and I looked at her confused "ohh she mostly goes over there when she's upset "

"Well that makes sense she did get into a argument with Glimmer" I said

"Oh well she should be home in a while do u wanna come in? I just finished making some pizza" she said

"OOO FOOD!" I yelled and ran into her house and Mara laughed and closed the door

Adoras POV:

After I ran out of glimmers house I went to razzes house I felt safer. there since Asher knew where I lived.

"Hello Mara dearie!" Razz said

"Hi razz" I said razz always confuses me with Mara but I really don't mind

"Do u want to make a pie with me dearie?"

"Yea sure!" I said and smiled

(Time skip)

"Why did u leave dearie?" Razz asked

"Leave? I didn't  leave I'm right here"

"You know what I mean dearie" she said and started to stir the ingredients together

"Oh glimmer..."

"Hm I thought her name was shimmer" She said and I laughed

"Well I left because we kinda got into a fight.." I said

"Dearie she was worried about you" razz said

"Wait what? I didn't even tel u what we were fighting about how did u know?"

"Pass me the blueberry dearie" she asked and I sighed knowing I wasn't actually gonna  get answers so I just passed them to her and continued to make the pie

After we made the pie we ate it and razz fell asleep on the couch so I went upstairs to my room. She gave me a room in her house because I come here a lot

'Maybe I should apologize to glimmer..' I thought to myself I kinda felt bad for snapping at her like that... I felt scared when I found out she knew and I overrated she was just worried

After a while on thinking about ti I decided I would say sorry but then the window shattered and I jumped out of the bed

"The hell...?" I  said

"Hello adora" someone said from behind me so I turned around and saw Asher

"Asher! What are u doing here? H-howd u find me?" I asked

"I'll always find u. No matter how far. Or how hard u try and hide. I'll always find u." He said then he punched me And tried to me  me but I pushed him off

"RAZZ!" I yelled and she came running upstairs

"RAZZLE DAZZLE PUNK!" she yelled then hit him with her broom

"OW" he said then she pushed him out the window he didn't die tho we were only on the first floor but he did get hurt so he ran away

"Thanks razz"

"I'm glad u broke up with him dearie... he hurt u." She said looking concerned

"H-how do u know about that" I asked

"It doesn't matter how I know dearie. Are u alright?" She asked and I shook my head

"No... I'm scared razz" I said and she hugged me

"It's ok dearie I'll protect u" she said

"Thanks razz" I said and laughed a little

"Now let's get a retraining order on him!" She said

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