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Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to read our story. We really appreciate it and hope you enjoy! We will be taking requests. However, we do have a few rules when it comes to it.

1. With the terms of ships, we will write only canon and love square ships. If you ship something else outside of that, we have nothing against that. We just don't feel comfortable writing anything else.

2. We will not write smut/lemons/limes. Nothing against these stories, but once again, we feel as though it is outside our comfort zone! If you enjoy those kind of stories, then no judgement! We don't won't write it.

3. Please no teachers x minor ships. We hope that we don't have to explain why we won't write this. As sick as it sounds, some people enjoy it.

4. We are willing to do heavy angst and fluff. In fact, that's going to be majority of the book.

I think that about covers it. Also, MAJOR TW for people that are uncomfortable with blood and cry easily. Well, we hope you have a great time reading!

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