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Whilst we ate, he decided to teach me a little bit of Korean used in everyday conversation. He was a great teacher, I felt like I'd learn easier just from him teaching me alone.

"I know it's tempting to use that word because you'll hear it so often, but it can only be used with close friends if you don't want to come off as rude or improper." He sipped from his drink.

"Who counts as someone I should use proper language to?" I asked, dusting the crumbs off of my hands after I finished eating.

"When's your birthday?"

"January 31, 1996."

"So you're 23 international age, but you'd be 24 Korean age, which makes you a year older than Jungkook. So, if you hadn't known any of us but met us while speaking in Korean, you'd have to use proper language with everyone but Jungkook because of how much younger you are."

"So it's based on age?"

"Not all the time, it's also based on status. Of course employees and employers, or students and teachers. As well as just meeting someone new. Our language encourages that everyone is polite." His dimples deepened significantly. Dude he's so adorable I literally wanna throw myself away.

"What is Korean age?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"In our culture, when you're born, you're the age of 1. And on your first birthday, you'd be 2. It gets a little complicated to catch on to from the outside but most of us consider ourselves our Korean age over our international age."

"Dude, your culture is so cool. I originally just came here to try the food, but walking into this country is like a culture shock." I giggled.

"I felt the same going to America for the first time. Everything is like backwards to it is here."

"All the way up until how people treat each other." I leaned on my hand. "It's so cool how the world is this way."

"Have you experienced many other cultures?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I shook my head.

"Unlike here, I didn't immediately make a group of friends that taught me the language and showed me how to act like a local. The places that I went before, I only ate the food, enjoyed the scenery, and then left." I laughed, making him chuckle along.

"I'm glad you're considering coming back. Then next time we see you, we can take you to temples and cultural landmarks. I know this really nice museum that Tae and I went to once. I really hope that we're less busy by then, because there's so much to see." He nodded, a playful tone to his voice.

"The other's are coming along?" I asked curiously.

"If it's okay with you. I could understand if a couple of them made you uncomfortable, but they really like you and want to be closer friends with you." He nodded. I pursed my lips and picked up my phone to send him a text.

"I usually don't share it until I know a person really well, but if you want to contact me, there's my phone number. You can give it to the rest." I smiled.

"Your phone number?" He looked at the message then up at me. "Thank you." A smile grew on his lips and he semi bowed. I smiled back.


"I'm really glad that we got to meet up today." Namjoon smiled as we arrived in front of the hotel. He walked me back since he'd have to be back to wherever he was going soon.

"Me too. Have a good day at work Namjoon." I chuckled and waved a little. It seemed like he couldn't look away as I started to walk towards the hotel entrance.

"I'll ca- uh see you later, okay?" He finally spoke checking his phone and waving back. I eventually walked into the hotel and made my way up to my room. I couldn't help but feel a little giddy once I arrived, removing my shoes and dropping my bag to take my important stuff out. I picked up my phone, it still on my camera app. I then remembered the pictures he took of me and excitedly sat on the bed to look at them.

First were the selfies I took alone, looking and feeling like a bad ass bitch. And then the one where Namjoon suddenly appeared over my shoulder, smiling and playfully poking his dimple. Unlike what I've seen so far, Namjoon actually had a little bit of melanin to his skin so he really glowed in golden hour. I then noticed that he wasn't looking at the camera, he was looking at me with such a fond look. Everything in this picture, from my own complexion and expression, to Namjoon's smile and loving gaze, I was obsessed with it. I made it my favorite picture so I could find it again later and finally moved on.

The next seven pictures were him taking pictures of my outfit. It was interesting to see the picture taken from his eye height, I didn't know I was so short in his eyes. But looking at my outfit and body from an outside perspective, my ass is fatter than I thought. I can see why he got so shy now. But these pictures were incredible quality, I can't wait to upload these.

I set up my laptop to see what I could do with the night approaching since I was anything but tired. Should I just go for a walk? The weather is nice, why not? I decided to wear the same outfit since I still feel like a bad bitch, grabbed my important stuff, and walked out.

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