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4pm came and went, the guys left around 4:30pm so I've just been waiting. They said that the police would be here at four but it's 7pm now and still nothing. I had a shower, I don't have many clothes to chose from that actually fit my shape, but I did try to dress nice. Even so, Namjoon is usually home by now... not me calling this my home. What have I gotten myself into?

I played with my phone on the couch for the next 45 minutes until I heard the front door opened. The house was dark besides a few lamps that I left on to keep me from feeling too alone.

I sat up on my elbows to see the door better, hearing a tired sigh that was obviously Namjoon's. Excitedly, I jumped up, I was going to run to him but I decided to calm myself. I speed walked instead.

"Hi Namjoon." I greeted him with happy waves.

"Zaina~" A smile creeped onto his face and he tiredly walked towards me, pulling me into his arms once he arrived. "Today has been way too long for me. So seeing you is very refreshing." His tired voice mumbled against the side of my head.

"Did you work hard?" I smiled up at him.

"Most of the time." He chuckled, dropping his head to the space between my neck and shoulder.

"Hoseok and Jin texted me about your mistakes. That you kept messing up because you were thinking about me. That you guys went to the gym and you were smiling hard the whole time because you were thinking of me." I squinted.

"I'm sorry. I know that I shouldn't get distracted like that. I'll do my best to concentrate tomorrow." He stepped away a little to look down at me. "This feeling is so new to me, I just can't stop thinking about it." He nervously straightened his lips.

"It's new to me too. But you're too busy to be distracted like this. I don't want you to fall behind or get fired or something. I just..." I looked down to think.

"I understand." His voice was almost as soft as the hand held to my cheek. I was shocked by this and it made me look up at him. "Don't worry. I won't mess up again... I don't like when you're mad at me." He chuckled and dropped his hand. I smiled with a duh face.

"I believe in you." I gave him a thumbs up.

"There was something that I wanted to ask..." He looked away.

"What is it?" I leaned over to meet his eyes, making him smile and hum through his nerves.

"I have reservations at a restaurant... for tonight..." He looked at me through the corner of his eye. "Would you maybe... I don't know... wanna keep me company?" He cringed at his words towards the end and turned away to express it through jumps and punches to the air.

That line.... I said that to him the first time we ate together... he remembered..?

I couldn't help but get flustered, just knowing that he remembered such small things like that. I could tell that he was cringing because it sounds so cheesy out loud, but I really enjoyed that proposition.

"I'm sorry." He laughed and turned back around to face me. "Forgive me." He grabbed my hands and squeezed his eyes closed.

"You're so cute." I smiled excitedly. "I'd love to Namjoonie." He leaned down to laugh excitedly against our hands. "But... what do I wear..?"

He stood up, his dimples deeper than ever. He looked at me before letting go of my hands.

"This is why I got home so late." He slid his shoes back on and walked outside. I waited confusingly, but excitedly at the same time, anxiety bubbling in my stomach. I heard a car door open and close before his footsteps became closer and faster. "Surprise!" He stepped in with my suitcase in his arms.

"H-how..? I thought..." I stared at him with wide eyes.

"The police were supposed to come by today, but Jungkook and Jimin asked to reschedule because you seemed really upset today. But they were going to bring your suitcase anyway, so I grabbed it on the way home." He smiled and put it on the floor.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to, but thank you so much." I walked closer to wrap my arms around his waist to hug him. His body melted into mine, his arms around my shoulders and his chin on my head."Namjoon?" He hummed in response. "Could you... could you actually cancel the... reservations?" I nervously looked away.

"Hm? Why?"

"You need to sleep..." I mumbled.

"Zainaaa~" He laughed, groaning my name in exasperation. "I'm o-"

"Namjoon." I pulled away a little, my hands slowly rising to hold his shoulders. He straightened his lips and raised his brows, waiting for me to speak. He stared at me, knowing that it would make me shy, but I held my composure and confidence. "I would love to eat dinner with you, that would be amazing, actually. But... I've never seen you as tired as you were today..." I looked down. "It's a little scary... to see you already on the brink of exhaustion and still wanting to do more." I bit my lip and let out a breath. He snickered, making me look up at him.

"I might be tired, but I'm still hungry."

"What about... you reschedule for when you have a day off? And instead we just order something, I'll pay." I smiled.

"What should we order then?" He smiled with that look in his eyes. Ah I love that look. He doesn't look tired or angry, he looks genuinely happy when he smiles like this. "Zaina?" He called out.

"Huh? Oh um..." God I was staring at him. What the hell. I forgot the question because I got so lost in his features. I just looked at the floor and pretended to think.

"How about pizza?" He suggested with a tilt to his head. I nodded and smiled, so happy that they have pizza here.

"Pizza sounds so dope right now." I excitedly agreed. He chuckled and reached for his phone.

"I'll order and then shower. If they come before I come back, will you be okay to go get it?" He asked and scrolled through his phone.

"Of course. Oh! Can we get bacon please?" My eyes went wide when thinking about the toppings. I like bacon and pineapple, but pineapple on pizza might change his opinion of me.

"What else?" He asked as he typed into his phone.

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows.

"You look like you want something else with the bacon. It's okay, I don't have a budget when it comes to food." He chuckled innocently. Wait... can he read my body language too? Did he know that I crying earlier? "I didn't want to bring it up... but what happened earlier? After Jimin and Jungkook told me you were upset and then I come back and your face is all flushed and puffy... were you crying?" He tilted his head with furrowed brows, almost looking confused.

"N-no... I was um... I was in the pool and got a little sunburnt... t-that's why I- anyway, the pizza?" I dropped eye contact with him, then coming back up with a smile.

"You can trust me, you know that right?" He stepped a little closer to me, making my eyes go wide from his tone and the look in his eyes.


"I'm sure that you told them not to tell me what happened because you didn't want me to worry... but it worries me more when you choose to conceal your pain from me." His eyes were softer and he looked at the ground for a second. "Was it... me... that you cried about?" 

"No... of course not Namjoon..." I sighed and looked away.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but if it troubles you too much, I'm always here to listen." He smiled and took a step away. "I'll be back in a little." I nodded and he walked past me to go upstairs. 

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