t hirty

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jisung laid flat on his bed in his dark room. he stared at the ceiling as if it was the most entertaining thing in the world. his thoughts spiraled, not even know what he was thinking about. he jumped from topic to topic until he thought about minho.

it's been a few days since he broke down in his house. a few days since he's talked to him. constant text messages filled his screen, a few calls from minho displayed on his phone with voicemails filling his inbox.

texts reading, "you need to talk to him." were from all of his friends. he ignored it, wanting to be alone.

alone with minho.

jisungs eyes squinted as the bright light from his phone shined in his face. he opened his phone, being so close to press the dial button to call him. he shook his head, going back to his voicemails.

"hey baby, i just want to know if you're okay. i've been thinking about you. you probably want some space but please, don't hesitate to call, text me oranything if you want to talk again. i'll be waiting for you. i miss you."

"hi beautiful! i realized how much ive been spamming you; i'd be annoyed if i were you, haha. but— i'm worried. you haven't said anything for a few days, i wanna make sure you're okay. i'm gonna text felix to see if he knows anything. i hope you're at least talking to them."

"i'm sorry if i—i did anything jisungie. i really am. i'm so s—sorry if i ever made you feel less than perfect. i—i'm trying to figure out what i did wrong. i f—feel like this is all my fault. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry, i'm sorry."

"b—baby.. i miss you so much. i hope you're okay. i haven't been going to work— i haven't gone to class.. i can't lose you. i don't want to. p—please..."

jisung threw his phone next to his head. tears fell down his face, his hands covering his face as he sobbed. he sat up, not having the energy to do anything else. hearing minhos voice broke him. he missed him but felt like he couldn't face him yet.

a knock was heard on jisungs door, opening slightly to let in a sliver of light in his dark room. he turned to see his mom peeking in.

"mom," his voice cracked. his mom opened the door wider, leaving his light off knowing it'll hurt his eyes. her motherly instinct quickly kicked in, sitting on his bed to hold his hands.

"what happened?! have you eaten yet? who made you cry?" a flood of questions came in.

"no one made me cry, don't worry. i just— i miss minho." jisung told her. he didn't know what else to say. he couldn't give an excuse to this.

"ah, minho? why don't you go see him? call him and i can take you—" jisung cut his mom off.

"mom, i messed up."

"messed up? messed up what, honey?"

"minho.. he's— he's my boyfriend." jisung confessed. his moms eyes widened. she saw her sons eyes begin to water again making her hold onto his hands tighter.

"ahh— don't cry! i'm happy you're dating him. he's a good one." she reassured him, the two letting out a small laugh.

"i assume you haven't talked to him for a while, huh? you should shoot him a text soon." she told her son; jisung nodded.

"i—i'll try."

jisungs mom smiled at him, "good. i'm gonna make dinner, i'll call you when it's done." she started to stand up, heading out of jisungs room until he called out to her

"are you really not mad i'm dating a boy?" jisung asked.

his mom smiled once more, "i really thought you'd get together with felix or hyunjin, to be honest." she chuckled.

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